
The 10 things to do in Bogotá
The 10 things to do in Bogotá

What are you looking for in bogotá? Leave yourself by its historic centre, its vibrant streets and the richness of its museums!

Caño Cristales, Colombia's 5-colored shore
Caño Cristales, Colombia's 5-colored shore

The most beautiful river in Colombia? If you find the frozen rivers prettier than those under a lead sun, you could change your mind and go to Colombia to swim in that of

Light on the Biblioteca España in Medellín, Colombia
Light on the Biblioteca España in Medellín, Colombia

A unique architecture library in the second city of Colombia Contents This building is like a symbol Medellín, between geography and mountains Justification of the urban

The 10 Most Beautiful Natural National Parks of Colombia
The 10 Most Beautiful Natural National Parks of Colombia

Find out how to visit the ten most beautiful natural national parks of doves, an amazing country with hidden treasures!

Some Colombian dishes through street food
Some Colombian dishes through street food

Start discovering Colombia with its street food Whether you’re in a large or small town, you’ll always find a street stand (cooking street food). This is called Colombia

Visit the Lost City Tayrona in Colombia: tickets, prices, times
Visit the Lost City Tayrona in Colombia: tickets, prices, times

Traveling to South America? to all history lovers: we take you in doves to visit the lost city tayrona!

The 17 most beautiful places to visit in Colombia
The 17 most beautiful places to visit in Colombia

Visiting the dove will not leave you indifferent. between its various coasts, its mountain ranges, its history and its sulphurous culture, you will not remain insensitive.

The 11 essential things to do in Leticia
The 11 essential things to do in Leticia

Immerse yourself at the edge of the Amazon forest? head to the capital of Amazon and our secrets to visit leticia, the authentic Colombian!

The 11 essential things to do in Medellin
The 11 essential things to do in Medellin

Visit Medellin and travel to Colombia’s history to the discovery of a changing people! Contents 1. Place Botero 2. The Museum of Memory 3. La Comuna 13 4. The Museum of a

Luxuriant transfer to Los Nevados Park in Colombia
Luxuriant transfer to Los Nevados Park in Colombia

On a trip to the dove, you dream of climbing to the eternal snows? towards the mountain to visit the national park of los nevados!

Visit the Tayrona National Park in Colombia: tickets, prices, schedules
Visit the Tayrona National Park in Colombia: tickets, prices, schedules

Considered to be one of the most beautiful national dove parks, visiting the Tayrona National Park is an immanquable trip on the Caribbean coast of the country!

Visit Tierradentro Park in Colombia: tickets, prices, schedules
Visit Tierradentro Park in Colombia: tickets, prices, schedules

Put on your explorer hat! direction the park tierradentro for a return in the past, to discover the vestiges of a missing civilization.

In which quarter house in Bogota?
In which quarter house in Bogota?

Are you planning a dove trip? Your point of fall will probably be the capital: here in which district to lodge in bogota!

The 10 most beautiful villages in Colombia
The 10 most beautiful villages in Colombia

Dovey is full of heavenly landscapes and history. visiting the 10 most beautiful villages of dovey is an excellent way to discover the country where the strong colonial past has left its footprints!

The 9 essential things to do in Cartagena de Indias
The 9 essential things to do in Cartagena de Indias

Located on the Caribbean coast of the dove, cartagena of indias is a forced passage during a trip to this country. between its colonial architecture, its history and its festive side, you will soon be conquered!

The 8 things to do on the Caribbean Coast in Colombia
The 8 things to do on the Caribbean Coast in Colombia

Between the snowy peaks of the sierra nevada, the desert of the guajira, the exotic beaches and the colonial cities, visiting the Caribbean coast in dovey represents a journey in time and cultures!

My Containment in Colombia: An Unpredictable Journey
My Containment in Colombia: An Unpredictable Journey

Traveling south america and being confined to dove, I tell you everything about this special experience!

The 7 essential things to do in Salento
The 7 essential things to do in Salento

Are you going to doves and like authenticity? Discover our selection of unmissable visits to make and see in salento, a corner of colorful paradise in the quindio region.

The 8 best dive spots in Colombia
The 8 best dive spots in Colombia

Traveling to dove? Discover our selection of the most beautiful dove diving sites, a country with precious engulfed treasures!