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Tricount, solution for accounts between friends : reviews and test

Opinion and test on Tricount – solution for accounts between friends

“With Tricount, managing his travel accounts or in a colocation becomes a real child game!”: it’s the promise of Tricount, a solution to manage accounts between friends. Because Tricount helps you manage your expenses during your trips and activities. You can Create , synchronize then share Your accounts with your friends. They can add their expenses and make the refunds themselves!

The possibilities to use this application are almost infinite, but it will be especially useful when travelling with friends. With Tricount, disputes or tricks around money no longer exist. After all, don't we say good accounts make good friends?

We tested the Tricount app for you. Discover our "Reviews & Tests" account on this solution for friends accounts, an application that will facilitate your travels with friends!

What is Tricount?

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Photo credit: Facebook – Tricount

Launched in 2010 without business model, Tricount aims to solve a recurring problem within groups of friends. The two founders, Guillebert and Jonathan , had the idea when they shut their heads to account after a trip. They then realized that an online application would be convenient to address this concern and could even render service to many travellers. Tricount and his key concept were born.

What is his concept? Based on accountability and trust among members of the group, free application pool expenditure . It then provides the balance of accounts and provides, at the time of closing, the best settlement solutions for minimize the number of transactions between participants. Concerns about money between friends will no longer spoil your travels.

Enjoy your holiday and, once the end of the day, you’ll only have to make the accounts together, quickly. In addition, the application is not intended only for passengers. You can use it for any project involving a group or different participants who have expenses to share: preparation of an event, allocation, etc.

How does it work?

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Photo credit: App

Available for download on Android and iPhone, Tricount is simple and effective. Its operation is designed to save you time and avoid the expense concerns.

Once the application is installed, you will access an interface menu where all your "tricount" (counting with friends) are identified. In this menu, just press the blue button “+” at the bottom right of the screen for join a tricount or create a new tricount .

Join a tricount

By clicking on this option, you will be able to copy the link transmitted by your friends. It is also possible to click directly on the shared link to easily reach the tricount.

Create a tricount

The second option allows you to create a tricount. You're gonna have to:

  • Record a title (required – maximum 50 characters)
  • Complete a description (maximum 500 characters)
  • Identify the currency used (e.g. Euro)
  • Indicate optionally an email address
  • Add participants

Once the tricount is created, you have access to two tabs: Expenditure and Balance .

Nail expenditure

In this tab, you can see a list of expenses made by each member of the group.

- Down in the middle, one blue button “+” allows you to add a new expense. You will need to insert one Title , amount , one date and the person who made the payment . You can also indicate a transfer of money (hand by hand) and add a photo for proof.

- Below you will also indicate the persons affected by the payment . If you pay the admissions of a museum for only three of your friends, only indicate these three friends. If you pay the dinner for the whole group, you can leave all the participants by default.

- A function " Advanced allows you to indicate a different distribution. For example, if you pay the drinks for everyone but one of your friends drank two, you can indicate the amount two (two shares).

Note : once the tricount is balanced, it does not disappear. You still have access to various expenses. You can delete it in the menu by pressing the desired tricount long. The interface then dies in red and a button “ garbage trash » appears at the top right for deletion.


In the Balances tab, you will be able to quickly view the allocation of expenses for each. Just below, a tab " How to balance? » indicates the most efficient transactions between each participant to settle the tricount.

Example : Bruno owes to Alex 27,40 €. In " more options ", indicated just below the example, you can choose: mark as paid or invite the participant to pay . In the latter case, you can notify it via another application, such as Messenger, SMS or email.

Options tricount

In the tricount interface, you also have several options at the top right:

  • Share the tricount (via an email application)
  • Change the tricount, sort the expenses
  • Go to individual mode
  • Access to advanced functions (premium mode and pay from Tricount)

Note : The premium mode allows you to save a distribution for future expenses, delete ads, have a 24/24H support and help Tricount develop.

Tricount: pros and cons

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Photo credit: Facebook – Tricount


  • The app is simple to use and free. Premium functions are not essential and are more suitable for very regular users or groups for a low rate (1 €)
  • Thanks to Tricount, you simply enter expenses and the application tells you how to achieve balance easily. There will be no more discontent or doubt: Tricount is impartial
  • The application gives you the best solution to balance expenses between each person. You thus reduce money transfers and fees that can be associated
  • Tricount helps you to spend a more serene vacation, to better live your rent or to organize an event without worrying who pays what!


  • Tricount has only one drawback: it is not yet possible to settle your friends or members of the group directly via the application

Tricount: the opinion of the editor

For groups of friends on a trip or for any other group project, Tricount is an almost indispensable application! Despite its small defect in payments — an obligation to use additional application or to settle hands — it is useful, effective, simple and free. Thanks to it, you can easily and forever solve money problems within a group. Personally, I use it every time I travel with friends.

Used for the first time in a city-trip with friends in Berlin, it greatly facilitates the life of the group. Imagine: a friend is responsible for the payment of the accommodation, another of the taxis or transport tickets, one of the last admissions to the museum. You can pay the glass to two friends and indicate it in the application. At the end, it will give you the best solution to satisfy everyone. So don’t hesitate anymore, we recommend including Tricount to your arsenal of apps to travel with friends!

Madison Baker

Madison Baker

I'm Madison Baker, an adventurer with a zest for the unknown. Life is a mosaic of breathtaking moments, from wandering through ancient ruins to savoring exotic flavors. Every journey holds a unique story, and I'm here to share those stories with you. Through my tales, I hope to kindle your wanderlust, providing insights, tips, and the sheer joy of exploration. Let's embark on this incredible journey together, unlocking the world's hidden gems and creating cherished memories along the way.

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