These flowers look like everything except flowers!
If you arrived on another planet, this is the kind of thing you would expect to meet. But these strange flowers are a part of our world!
The flowers have attracted the attention of the man, who uses them and cultivates them for ornamentation, interior and exterior ornamentation, as well as for their odours and pigments. Often, the flowers inspired artists, painters, poets, sculptors and decorators. Flowers attract and use pollinators by various means: their colours , their fragrance , their offer in nectar and pollen. Plants also emit protective substances for its flower and for the organs of this flower: "Painting" devices or even "Painting" devices olfactory or visual . This is the last element that interests us today.
Flowers have evolved in their environment with different colors and shapes, some of which have even come to resemble recognizable figures, plants or animals . As you will see, these 20 flowers and orchids look like anything but flowers.
1. Monkey-headed flower (Dracula Simia)
2. Butterfly Orchid (Phalaenopsis)
3. Orchid of the naked man (Orchis Italica)
4. Orchid « prostitute lips » or « hot lips » (Psychotria Elata)
5. Girls dancing (Impatiens Bequaertii)
6. Orchidée bourdon rieur (Ophrys bomybliflora)
7. Embedded babies (Anguloa Uniflora)
8. Flower parrot (Impatiens Psittacina)
9. Muflier des champs ou fleur tête de mort (Antirrhinum)
10. Orchid flying duck (Caleana Major)
11. Orchid that looks like a tiger
12. Fleur extraterrestre rieur (Calceolaria Uniflora)
13. Orchid ange (Habenaria Grandifloriformis)
14. Orchid dove or orchid of the Holy Spirit (Peristeria Elata)
15. Orchid that looks like a ballerina
16. Orchid egrette (Habenaria Radiata)
17. Plante Dark Vador (Aristolochia Salvadorensis)
18. Flower hive (Zingiber spectabile)
19. Flowers that appear to have been handmade (Hoya carnosa)
20. Sugar blossom (Oxalis Versicolor)
Did these flowers surprise you? Do you know others?
Amelia Hall
I'm Amelia Hall, a curious soul on a perpetual quest for adventure. Life's journey is my muse, from traversing remote trails to immersing myself in local cultures. Each new destination unveils a unique story, and I'm here to narrate those tales for you. My aim is to awaken your wanderlust, sharing insights, tips, and the magic of exploration. Together, let's embark on this captivating odyssey, discovering the world's hidden gems and forging unforgettable memories.
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