Want to travel to Bali or Jakarta? Limit your remaining dependants in case of unforeseen, by subscribing travel insurance tailored to Indonesia.
The largest archipelago in the world, Indonesia is a country with more than 14,000 islands and has 250 million inhabitants. Whether you’re looking to explore its islands or simply visit Jakarta and its region, you need to be insured. If travel insurance is not mandatory in Indonesia, it is best to play the precautionary card and find a risk-friendly coverage.
Comparison of travel insurance for Indonesia
For your stay abroad, and here, in this case, in Indonesia, several insurance companies offer their own guarantees. There is necessarily one that will meet your coverage and price requirements. Discover our comparison of travel insurance to find out more.
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What is the best travel insurance for Indonesia?
Many of you are looking for the best travel insurance to discover Indonesia. However, it is very difficult to determine which one will truly be the best.
Everyone has different needs. Good insurance is a cover that can adapt to these specific needs.
If you leave for 2 weeks in Indonesia, you will not need the same guarantees as if you leave for 6 months. Similarly, it is the nature of your activities that will define the level of protection required. If you plan to go sunbath on the beaches of the island of Lombok and scuba diving, the risk is different from a journey to visit places of culture Jakarta . And it will be much different if you want to discover all the natural treasures of this country through hikes around the Kawah Ijen volcano or Bromo volcano.
The best travel insurance for you also depends on your way of travel . One Cancellation insurance is useful for everyone as long as you fly. On the other hand, if you want to sleep with the inhabitant via Airbnb and not take a room in a hotel establishment, no need to subscribe cancellation insurance with too high ceilings, your accommodation will not be supported.
What is the rate of travel insurance for Indonesia?
The price of travel insurance is not fixed . As for the best insurance, everything is defined according to certain specific criteria. Chapka Insurance, Global Assistance, Europ Assistance, Axa, etc., companies are free to set their rates and the level of risk. There is therefore a strong bet that you will not find two identical prices for your travel insurance in Indonesia.
This tariff will be determined by the following points:
- The duration of your stay ;
- The level of guarantees ;
- Your profile ;
- The activities envisaged ;
- Compensation ceilings ;
- Number of persons to be insured ;
- Deductibles ;
- The shortcomings.
In short, it’s very simple. The stronger your guarantees and the more risk you take during your stay, the higher the price.
Why take travel insurance for Indonesia?
Travel insurance, like any insurance, is designed to ensure a sudden and unexpected risk. As its name suggests, this risk may occur at any time and no one is immune to the need for this insurance. Taking travel insurance is simply being certain to be Supported in case of need and better control of the budget by avoiding heavy expenses. Better prevent than cure.
What are the guarantees of multi-risk travel insurance?
Underwriting travel insurance allows for a number of guarantees. However, this insurance may be in place tailor-made , all the guarantees that we are going to evoke may not be included in the contract. As we have mentioned, insurance must be chosen according to your real needs . Needless to subscribe to travel insurance with the "practice of extreme sports" guarantee if you visit Borobudur Temple and Jakarta Museums.
Here is a list of guarantees that you can choose:
- Medical ;
- Civil liability insurance ;
- Cancellation and travel change insurance ;
- Search and rescue ;
- Luggage insurance ;
- Legal protection ;
- Support for hospitalization ;
- Sports / extreme sports insurance ;
- Repatriation.
Is travel insurance compulsory for Indonesia?
No, travel insurance is not mandatory If you go to Indonesia, the country has not legislated in this direction.
However, it is not because this insurance is not mandatory that you should not subscribe to it. Risk exists and medical expenses may be important in case of illness or accident. Likewise, civil liability protects you if you damage a property or hurt someone. Each guarantee has a real interest in your stay abroad. Without falling into the psychosis, it is important not to minimize the risk.
Travel insurance is a bit like home insurance for an owner. This is not mandatory. However, most owners still agree with the financial risk in the event of a loss.
The importance of repatriation insurance for Indonesia
Indonesia is a distant country, this assistance is even more indispensable the cost of repatriation from this country to France. This guarantee is therefore to be preferred within your travel insurance.
Repatriation insurance is important in two ways. If you are injured during your trip to Indonesia, if you are in serious illness, health repatriation may be necessary. This guarantee can support your flight ticket, but also that of a prospective medical attendant if applicable.
In addition to medical repatriation, it is necessary to consider repatriation as part of an early return to your family. Let's imagine you're losing a loved one in your world tour. You did not plan to return at that time and therefore do not have a plane ticket to attend the funerals of your loved one. In the event of death, this guarantee provides you with care so that you can return to France to be with your family.
Am I reimbursed for my care in Indonesia by Health Insurance?
When you leave in the European Union, you benefit from the European Card of Health Insurance , ECAM. If you travel further, you do not have this protection. However, Social Security can award you a refund of your medical care as long as they are urgent and unforeseen. You are being treated and, when you return, you fill in the form “cares received abroad” n°12267*04 .
At your request, you must attach your invoices paid and the medical prescription related to the care you received.
But Don't be too optimistic on this refund. Health costs are different in Indonesia and France. However, Social Security will pay back to the French approved rates. This is likely not enough.
Does my Visa or Mastercard card cover me in Indonesia?
Yes, your map premium card type Visa Premier or Mastercard Gold can protect you during your stay in Indonesia. The question is whether this protection is sufficient.
On the one hand, the bank card only ensures travellers during 90 days . You must therefore not exceed this duration to be covered. On the other hand, credit card insurance is not customizable, it is unique to each card. Check your general conditions to be certain that all the guarantees you need are granted. Make sure that the compensation ceilings are also in line with your needs during your trip to Indonesia.
Make a comparison between credit card insurance and travel insurance to be certain to opt for the best solution.
What insurance take in case of car rental in Indonesia?
During your stay in Indonesia, to gain independence, you will certainly rent a car.
Your renter will include car rental insurance. Make sure this is sufficient. Most of the time, it will not cover damage to your vehicle if you are responsible for an accident. And, if so, it is not uncommon for you to pay a franchise.
You have the opportunity to independently subscribe vehicle rental insurance that is better suited to your needs to reduce your franchise or even remove it, thus limiting the financial risk in the event of an accident.
Administration, health and safety for Indonesia: our advice
Here is now some information that might be useful to you before and during your trip to Indonesia.
What visa for Indonesia?
French nationals no longer need a visa as long as their stay in Indonesia is less than 30 days . However, a passport must be submitted for 6 months after the date of return to France.
Good to know: if you request an emergency passport, this time the visa is mandatory to enter Indonesian territory.
If you wish to stay between 30 and 60 days , the tourist visa application must be made before your departure.
You're planning to stay more than 60 days In Indonesia? You can apply for a socio-cultural visa. The second solution is to get out of Indonesia to go to a neighbouring country and return with a new visa.
Health & Hygiene
It is recommended to getting vaccinated against typhoid fever and hepatitis A, but also against malaria. The mosquitoes are very active in Indonesia, provide protections accordingly.
Do not drink unbubble water, it is unfit for consumption. Avoid swimming at sea and not fresh water, the risk of leptospirosis or hepatitis A is important.
Security on site
Indonesian Papua is a less secure territory than the rest of the country, it is advisable to avoid going there. It is also the case of borders with Singapore , Malaysia and Philippines . Apart from these areas, there is no major risk except flights, be vigilant and do not leave your valuables in sight.
What to do in the event of an accident in Indonesia?
If you are a victim of an accident or assault, contact local authorities. In case of need, you can also return to the Indonesian Embassy
Here are some numbers to record before leaving:
- Embassy of France in Jakarta: +62(21)23 55 76 00 ;
- Police: 110 ;
- Firefighters in Bali: 113 ;
- Ambulances: 119.
What health insurance for expats in Indonesia?
If you have chosen to live for a prolonged period in Indonesia, it is no longer a travel insurance, but a Expat insurance that you must subscribe.
This will allow you to obtain full protection on a daily basis as would be the case in France. In addition, you can, according to the contract signed, receive repatriation assistance if you have to return in advance to France.
Do not hesitate to make a comparison in order to find the best guarantees, both to obtain health refunds and to be accompanied in case of litigation through legal protection or to hurt someone through civil liability.
You're ready to travel to Indonesia! We hope nothing will happen to you. But if ever, now you know what to do!
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