What do you think are the most spoken languages in the world? The answer in our top 10 most used by the speakers.
Before traveling, a lot of questions must be resolved. Did I book the plane tickets? Did the hotel confirm my booking? What time will it take?... Among them is a matter of concern and stress: will I be able to understand and understand what the premises tell me? And in fact, we never feel as lost as when our communication capabilities are limited. Even if this article does not pretend to fade this fear, it will allow you to perfect your global vision of the 10 most spoken languages in the world. You will then be free to choose your next destination for consideration!
Before we begin this round of horizons, let’s first agree that a language can be spoken in several countries (you can’t learn anything). However, French spoken in France is not substantially the same as that spoken in Canada. The list of examples is – unfortunately or fortunately – long. A language is the cultural radiance of a country. It then has a vocabulary and expressions specific to it. It is also the sound, the rhythm and the song of a homeland: its accent. This is what makes, in short, the beauty but also the complexity of a language. But reassure yourself, you will always be able to make you understand. Finally, a language is spoken by natives of a country and speakers. If I learned English at school, it makes me a speaker, able to make me understand with the natives and other speakers.
So, what do you think are the most spoken languages in the world?
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1. English
The suspense was not at its height, it was agreed to: English is the most spoken language in the world. However, if 375 million people are native, English is spoken by nearly 1.5 billion people across the globe. A language in the business world, or a reflection of the domination of American soft power throughout the world, it thus undeniably occupies a preponderant place in international exchanges. So, going on a vacation by mastering English will allow you to get understood by as many people as possible.
2. Mandarin
First and foremost China , the tangerine rises at the top of the ranking of the most spoken languages in the world. Indeed, the country is distinguished by its impressive demographic (nearly 1.4 billion inhabitants). A language that is characterized by its complexity and calligraphy, which is almost close to art.
To go further: Top 6 best apps to learn Chinese
3. Hindi
Main language of the 23 official counts India , the Hindi is also spoken to Nepal or Fiji . If you plan to travel to the Indian subcontinent, you will need to know a few basics of the Hindi. It should also be noted that the Indian government is trying to place Hindi as the first language in some states, where English still persists.
4. Spanish
The advantage of learning Spanish that integrates the place of the 4th most spoken language in the world is that you will be understood in almost the entire South American continent. The evolution of Spanish is intimately linked to the demographic mobility of its population. Today, there is an increase in hippophones in Europe and North America.
5. French
It is no longer present, but there is often a tendency to forget that it is one of the most spoken languages in the world with almost 370 million speakers, including 67 million French. Whether you're going to North America (Canada) or North Africa, you'll necessarily meet Francophones. So, you don’t have an excuse to travel!
6. Arabic
If his most spoken language status in the world calls for his learning, know that Arabic is very different depending on the countries we visit: to learn it therefore, choose the spoken most suitable for your travels. You will meet this language in North Africa and the Middle East. It is also full of history, but let’s admit it, very difficult to learn.
To go further: Top 5 best apps to learn Arabic
7. Russian
One of the official languages of the United Nations, Russian has entered the most spoken languages in the world due to the former USSR. L’ Germany Israel or Canada There are important Russian-speaking communities, for example.
8. Portuguese
Another language full of history since it reflects a colonialist past. The Brazil , Angola or Mozambique are, for example, impreinted. Portuguese (and its various variants) is today the most spoken language in the world, with nearly 235 million people practicing it.
9. The bengali
This language is still about 233 million people worldwide, including 215 million natives. This is the official language of Calcutta or Bengladesh .
10. German
If you plan to visit a Central European country (Germany, Austria, Switzerland or Luxembourg), German will be very useful. It is therefore she who closes the ball of the most spoken languages in the world, with 185 million speakers.
The editorial board
As one can doubt, as the most spoken language in the world, English will be the most useful in all your trips outside France. Today it has become a necessary skill in most of the professions that you will follow or that you are currently following. For your personal culture, however, you will be advised to look a little more at Chinese. You will discover a unique culture and alphabet. In any case, we invite you to nourish some curiosity in this learning which, whatever the language concerned, will be your right arm of your future trips.
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