What are the most sought-after jobs in Germany?
The list of occupations in Germany is somewhat common to those of industrialized countries with special needs, especially in terms of new technologies and health.
In particular, the need to:
- Engineering
- Computer experts
- Health sector
For engineers, the most sought-after are in the sectors of the mechanical , electric , Civil engineering , and automotive production . For these positions, the salaries of new graduates are estimated between 36,000€ and 45,000€ per year and 50,000€ and 64,000€ with 10 years of experience.
In order to recognize his diplomas in Germany and to work as an engineer in the country, all his diplomas must be translated and validated through the portal: Anerkenung in Deutschland .
Germany needs doctors
If you are a doctor and speak the language of Goethe, then there may be opportunities for you. Germany would indeed need 5,000 more doctors in its territory. It should be noted that Germany is one of the countries with the world’s oldest population (generally like most Western European countries).
Germany wants to maintain its economic power
To continue to be competitive, Germany needs work in all technical and scientific sectors. Companies invest a lot in young engineers who want to be interested in their areas of expertise.
But Germany also needs work in other sectors that don’t necessarily ask to graduate! You can consult this list to see if your profession is there or not.

To learn more about the professions sought in Germany, you can read the article by Make it in Germany.
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