Go on for escapades in the middle of nature! We invite you to discover the most beautiful forests in Europe, which will surprise you with the incredible diversity of their fauna and flora.
The European continent would have more than 1.02 billion hectares of forests. This is the only continent where these hectares increase each year! Already in France , there would be twice as many forests as before. Forests, these “pots of the planet”, regulate the ecosystem and biodiversity. They also serve as habitat for many animals and insects. But forests are also passionate about their sometimes mystical, enchanting or disturbing aspect. Some of them would have little secrets well guarded... You’re told more in this guide to the most beautiful forests in Europe!
1. The forest of Brocéliande
Let’s enter the heart of the subject with one of the most beautiful forests in Europe you have to hear about. Brocéliande, now known as Paimpont Forest, is located in Brittany , west of the city Rennes . At first, the forest has fed many medieval and fairytale legends, including those of King Arthur and Merlin the enchanting.
Also, its 7,000 hectares of vegetation make the happiness of the simple walkers who will venture into this magical place. The low forest has oaks and beech trees, as well as some ponds that serve as a watering for deer and deer. You will also find the charming lake of Paimpont, some menhirs and ancient abbeys near this magical forest.
2. Tronçais Forest
Let’s stay in France and go to the Allier department to discover one of the most beautiful forests in Europe. The Tronçais forest covers 11,000 hectares, and consists mainly of oaks that are of remarkable quality. At the time, Jean-Baptiste Colbert , Minister of King Louis XIV, proceeds to a reforestation of the forest with these oaks that serve today to the cabinetmaker, including the production of barrels.
Moreover, if you walk in this beautiful forest of Europe, you will fall on many water points, including five ponds. Also keep your eye open towards the sky, as many birds have made Tronçais forest their habitat and hunting place: nozzles, eagles, palombes...
3. Bialowieza Forest
Let us leave the Hexagon this time, for a journey between the Poland and Belarus . There, Bialowieza Forest is a must to discover! Bialowieza is one of the oldest and most beautiful forests in Europe, formed during the glacial period. It is therefore a forest that has crossed the ages by remaining particularly preserved. This place among the most beautiful forests in Europe has also been classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1979.
In Bialowieza, you may encounter bison, bears, koniks (horse lace) and a whole series of ruminant animals. Also, the forest has beautiful, very ancient trees, including the Southern Emperor Oak: a royal name for a rare tree in Europe! If you visit Bialowieza, keep in mind that this forest is particularly unique in its kind, and represents an ecological core absolutely essential to the continent.
4. The Plitvice Forest
This National Park Croatian UNESCO World Heritage has one of the most beautiful forests in Europe. The Plitvice Forest is a primitive forest, also very ancient. The latter consists mainly of beech and fir trees. In the middle of the Plitvice Forest, you can also admire the many water points: the Korana River which takes its source in the forest, but also some large lakes and waterfalls.
If you decide to survey the forest, then keep your eye open to local animals. The most famous is the (small?) brown bear, which is a particularly rare animal. Maybe you'll find him taking a bath in one of the lakes? In any case, it will take more to discourage tourists who frequent this place extensively during the summer period. If you are looking for calm to relax in this forest, we recommend you walk out of season.
5. The Sherwood Forest
Let's go back to our mystical forest fantasies, and let's discover the Sherwood Forest in England . Is his name talking to you? It is normal: this historic forest among the most beautiful forests in Europe is a key place in the folk adventures of Robin Hood. Indeed, the “Major Oak”, a very old and gigantic oak, would have been the hiding place of the hero. So don't go by this majestic tree.
If you walk long in this legendary forest, then you will evolve in the middle of birch, fern and old oaks, so. Trails are renowned for their accessibility and beauty. After your health walk, you can play it locally in one of the Nottingham pubs, located a few kilometers away.
6. The Black Forest
And of course we don't talk about the famous cake. The Black Forest, or Schwarzwald in German , is a must-see mountainous site that includes one of the most beautiful forests in Europe. The area is between the east bank of the Rhine and extends to the border Swiss .
The area of 6,000 km2 of the Black Forest promises a wide variety of landscapes, outside the cities. Indeed, you will stroll through vineyards of hillsides, large meadows and you will be able to explore paths lined with epiceas. Also, you will see majestic waterfalls, such as Triberg waterfalls, and you will also fall on some charming lakes. The most famous of these water points is of course Lake Titisee, where you can practice some nautical activities.
7. Ulanka Forest
Pack our bags in the North of Europe, for a Finnish getaway. It’s in Finland another of the most beautiful forests in Europe, in the heart of the Olanka National Park. Located at the height of the polar circle, plan warm and suitable outfits if you plan to explore the site. And it's worth the detour!
Indeed, the panoramas of Ulanka are breathtaking. You will advance through a forest of conifers and bosquets. In addition, if you have a small low for geology, note that Olanka is known for its canyons, dolomitic rocks and granite. Then take his “bearing path” of 80 km and enjoy it to recharge.
8. The Sila Forest
Let's leave the polar cold now and find the mild climate Italian . It is in Calabria that it finds the Sila forest, which is among the most beautiful forests in Europe. The forest is divided into three parts, which you can explore on a long stay.
The Sila Forest seduces you first by the variety of its flora: pines of Corse , bunny, beech and chestnut trees. In addition, if you are ornithologists becoming or simply lovers of these beasts, know that the forest has many species: large-scale owls, but also eagles. Finally, keep in mind that some wolves make Sila their habitat!
9. The forest of Triglav
This natural site meaning “Trois-Têtes” is located in Slovenia . It has the peculiarity of being high enough in altitude! Indeed, this forest is located in a national park near the eastern Alps. The forest surrounds Lake Bohinj, the largest in the country.
If you decide to go on adventure to Triglav, then prepare yourself to cross bridges, to sink into gorges and take pictures of beautiful Edelweiss. If only the trees are of interest to you, you will not be disappointed: spruce, beech, ash, but above all pins of nins mountains. Don’t forget to take your binoculars to try to see chamois, marmots and a few foxes.
10. Bonus: Dutch mini-forests
It may not be the most beautiful forests in Europe, but the initiative is worth a look at if you spend a stay at Netherlands . Over there, the concept of “Tiny-Forests”, a mini-virgin forest in the city centre, takes a considerable extent, with the aim of stimulating biodiversity in urban areas.
So don’t hesitate to discover them. And good walks!
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