In order to perfect your desires in Brazil, and to put water in your mouth before staying there, here is our top of 19 Brazilian culinary specialties!
For some, the desire to travel lies in the temptation to discover new landscapes, populations with unknown customs, architectures dating back centuries, and to accumulate a maximum of photos of the world... For others, a good reason to travel would be to learn a new musical culture, to go hunting local artists and to perfect their playlists. Finally, for gourmets, travelling is especially the opportunity to awaken your taste buds! Gouter new product associations, discover the typical dishes of each country...
It is for all these reasons that Wanderlix now offers you to find, for multiple destinations, our playlist travel , our top of the most beautiful pictures but also our top of culinary specialties !
Travel to Brazil today, where gastronomic culture is particularly large! Pastéis , bacalhau and others Brigadeiros are in honor, in this top of our 19 favourite Brazilian specialties.
To start?
1. Coxinha

Photo credit: Shutterstock – Slawomir Fajer
To begin our journey of culinary specimens in Brazil, it is with one of the small favourites of the entrance that we begin... ♪ conxinhas ! Mixed chicken and spices wrapped in a dough then fried, the conxinhas are wonders, perfect to start the meal (or to consume at any time of the day...)
2. Caldo verde

Photo credit: Shutterstock – Iuliia Timofeeva
The caldo verde is the Brazilian version of the famous cabbage soup! A blend of potatoes, green cabbage (preferably horse cabbage), onions and chorizo to spice up everything, caldo verde is a classic of Brazilian culinary specimens.
Consommed regularly to dinner, it can be served as a main dish, depending on the convenience of your host!
3. Tacacacà

Photo credit: Shutterstock – beto_junior
If Tacacà does not appear as the dish giving the most desire at first sight, it is yet one of the most beautiful discoveries of Brazilian cuisine. Prepared as a velvety soup, it is a mixture of flavor that reveals to be a true gustative paradise. Onion, garlic and other coriander come to get married in a broth infuse with cassava and shrimp.
Anyway, a delight.
4. Bacalhau com natas

Photo credit Shutterstock – AS Food studio
Obviously, when we speak bacalhau , we touch the graal of what we know about Portuguese and Brazilian cuisine. And for cause, this cod-based dish is particularly appreciated for its nutrient values. Cooked in simplicity with cream, potatoes and some aromatic herbs, it is one of the symbols of generosity and Brazilian sharing, when you find yourself in the family around this dish!
5. Feijoada

Photo credit: Shutterstock – Paulo Vilela
Here is another dish that symbolizes the Brazilian "living together": the feijoada ! Traditionally served on Saturday noon at the restaurant, the feijoada eats with family or friends. A mixture of black beans and pork meat, and often served with rice, it is a sort of French cassoulet, in Brazilian.
6. Moqueca de peixe

Photo credit: Shutterstock – hlphoto
moca de peixe is a Brazilian speciality that, like the dishes that we present to you so far, is perfectly representative of the country! Fish-based dish, generous and friendly, it is especially full of taste.
Based on fish, coconut milk and vegetable, moca de peixe is a dish directly imported from Afro-Brazilian culture, whose softness is particularly tasty. Its yellow colour is mainly due to the Dendê, an orange oil traditionally from African agriculture.
7. Bobó de camarão

Photo credit: Shutterstock – Paul_Brighton
To finish our selection of the best Brazilian dishes, here is our little favorite: the bobó de camarão ! Also called shrimp bobó, this dish tastes without moderation. If he could think of a soup, he is actually a real main dish and one of Brazil’s culinary specialties, regularly served with white rice!
With cassava, tomatoes, garlic, shrimp and onions, it is possible to mix all the flavours of northern beresil in this dish with West African origins.
Want some sweetness?
When you think of Brazilian cuisine, the desserts do not immediately come to mind... Yet we discover (with pleasure) that the sweet is a true specialty of Brazil! Between coconut, corn, and surprising lawyer, the Brazilians know how to bring a real new pass, which make their desserts true taste discoveries.
10. Quindim

Photo credit: Shutterstock – RHJPhtotoandilustration
In this dessert from Portugal, egg-yellow, sugar and grilled almonds mix. But this is where the subtlety of this Brazilian dessert resides...
Once on the South American territory, the recipe has been modified, and almonds have left room for coconut roasted! This kind of flan, excessively mild, eats without moderation, until no longer in power!
11. Doce of abacate

Photo credit: Shutterstock – RHJPhtotoandilustration
What a surprise. doce de abacate ! With a crazy simplicity (vocado, lime and sugar), this Brazilian culinary specialty is a treat.
Consommed in cream as much as in ice cream, it is an incomparable freshness. You can enjoy it as well in dessert as at the time of tasting.
12. Enroladinhos de goiabada

Photo credit: Shutterstock – Cantador
These little biscuits, the rolls to the goyave, are also called “divine bites” in Brazil, and we understand why: they are divinely good!
No one resists these melting bites, typical Brazilian specialty, which are usually served at the time of coffee.
13. Canjica

Photo credit: Shutterstock – DihandraPinheiro
Do you like milk rice? You'll love it. canjica , a sort of milk corn!
This dish, which is usually distributed at the heart of the winter festivals in Brazil, is a mixture of corn, milk, sugar and cinnamon: a mixture full of softness so!
14. Cocada

Photo credit: Shutterstock – Cassiano Correia
Here is one of Brazil’s most appetizing treats, which you can find particularly in the heart of the markets. This small Brazilian culinary specialty is particularly sweet, since it is composed only of water, coconut and... sugar!
Keeping its origins from the African continent, the cocada eats throughout the day, accompanied by coconut water to desalert themselves...
15. Brigadeiro

Photo credit: Shutterstock – AUGUSTO_SANTOS
What's better to close your meal than a little chocolate sweetness? For this, nothing better than Brigadeiros , a sort of truffle composed of sweet condensed milk, butter and cocoa, all rolled in chocolate chips.
To be consumed without moderation
If Brazilian meals are a true marker of our stay, it is the snacks , sort of tapas Brazilian we preferred... In the market, in the "bakery- pastries" or in the heart of small local shops, you will find in Brazil a multitude of culinary delights to delight your taste buds throughout the day.
16. Acarajé vatapa

Photo credit: Shutterstock – AUGUSTO_SANTOS
Speciality of Bahia's kitchen, vatapa acarajé are wonderful! These small doughs made of beans and stuffed with shrimp vatapa will necessarily attract the eyes of the most greedy of you, when you walk in the Brazilian markets.
The most difficult will be to resist the desire to taste it until it is no longer hungry...
17. Pão de queijo

Photo credit: Shutterstock – Milton Buzon
If you can find them both in Paraguay and Argentina, it is nevertheless from Brazil that are native to the pão de queijo (Cheese breads) ! And if for most tourists, these delights are perfect as an aero or during the meal, know that in Brazil, they consume mainly... Breakfast with a good coffee!
18. Pastéis

Photo credit: Shutterstock – sockagphoto
If the pasteis are the last Brazilian culinary specialty we present to you, they are our little favorites! Meat, cod or melted cheese, these little doughnuts will add a little more sun and heat to your Brazilian stay!
And here again, it is in the markets that you will find the best! In Brazil, they are commonly known as the pasteis de feira (pasteis of fair), because it is here that you will have to taste them.
A little freshman to finish?
19. Caipirinha

Photo credit: Shutterstock – Paulo de Abreu
Place at the party, with the caipirinha! Smoked mainly in bars, restaurants and nightclubs, this Brazilian cocktail is a delight. Pour a bit of cachaça, sprinkle with cane sugar and a green lemon zest, and you get a soft drink, which will undoubtedly spice up your Brazilian evenings.
But no panic, you can also enjoy it on the Brazilian beaches, all day long...
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