Get down the streets of the village of Monte to Funchal in a _Carros de Cesto_The famous bone sled of Madeira!
Originally a quick way to get off at Funchal for people living in Get in. , these bone sleds called Carrinhos appeared around 1850. Today it is one of Madeira’s most legendary tourist activities. The journey takes about 10 minutes on 2 km long. Sledge can reach a speed of 50 km/h! And when you sit in it, it’s very impressive.
Flickr – Michael Hanisch
Still in use today, they attract thousands of tourists each year, eager to try the exciting experience of slide at high speed in narrow and winding streets to Funchal the capital of the island. These two-seater wicker sleds slide on wooden skates, powered and driven by two men, the carreiros , traditionally dressed in white cotton clothes and a straw hat. Without brakes or flying, they use their rubber sole boots to direct and slow down the famous "vehicle".
Flickr – nutmeg66
Many names and synonyms are used to name this kind of unusual transport: "Carros de cesto", or "carrinhos" in Portuguese, or "toboggans" and "sled" in French...
You will find the trails of Monte at the bottom of the staircases leading to the church Nossa Senhora do Monte . The price is 30€ for 2 and per descent. It’s expensive, but plan the budget, because the thrill is guaranteed and the experience may not be repeated so soon. You have the choice to go down the village of Monte or continue to Funchal, all down.
Flickr – David Kirsch
Here’s a little video to show you what the trail descent looks like from Monte to Funchal:
To reach the heights of Monte, you can take the cable car to Funchal or walk if you came to Madeira for the hike. There are also excursions to Madeira to the Valley of the Nonnes which includes the sled descent. The prices of the cable car are as follows:
Prices Go Simple and in brackets prices (Go Back) Adult 10,00€ (15,00€) Child (7-14) 5,00€ (7,50€) Child (0-6) Free (Free)
And here are some other pictures:
Flickr – diego
Flickr – Michael Hanisch
Flickr – Ivo Gomes
Flickr – Art-Ko
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