Here are the strangest phenomena observed on Earth!
There are thousands of strange phenomena that could be identified here. To prove that we do not yet know everything on our beautiful planet, here are some beautiful pictures on phenomena that you probably never lived!
A rock living in Chile
Methane bubbles trapped under the ice
Giant crabs in Tasmania
Flying fish
Gigantic crab migration to Christmas Island (Australia)
The Catatumbo Storm
A water hole in Belize formed by erosion
Gate of Hell Turkmenistan
It is an enflamed gas exhaust and has been continuously burning since 1971. A similar hole burned for more than 4,000 years in Iraq, even mentioned in the Old Testament!
Volcanic storms
Round rocks in New Zealand
These rocky balls are a strange show you can observe on the KoeKohe beach. For tens of millions of years, these sediment balls rolled on the ocean floor to find themselves on these beaches.
Steam towers in Iceland
The Hverir region is an exceptionally active geothermal zone. These vapour towers form thanks to the mixture of water and surrounding dust when the water ends.
Ice sticks
Pillow volcanic lavas
When the wash rises to the surface it undergoes very rapid cooling. The structure that allows the wash to cool as quickly as possible is an octagonal structure. Once the erosion has done its work around these structures, you can then admire the masterpiece!
The Mariana den
The Mariana pit is the most unexplored place in the world. If the Everest was plunged into the pit, we wouldn’t even see the summit...The researchers are increasingly interested in this deep world and the creatures that live there...
Danxia training in China
These geological formations are fine sedimentary deposits with different mineral content which gives them a different color. These formations are an exceptionally colourful place!
Sardine migration
Sardine migration (from May to July) is an impressive phenomenon. Indeed, it is billions of sardines that move. The sardine cloud is so big that it can be spotted by satellite and is often more than 8km long over 2km wide!
Atacama Flower Desert
Island of Socotra, Yemen
An exceptionally varied environment is on this island in Yemen. Indeed, almost a third of its flora is nowhere else on the planet!
Lenticular clouds
Often taken by photographers for UFOs (when they are small sizes), these clouds form around the mountains and marry their shape.
Hole Lake in Canada
This Canadian lake located near Osoyoos in British Columbia is a very singular lake. When it evaporates, it leaves traces of all colors and mini-laces different depending on the mineralization of the water. A geological phenomenon to see!
Australian special clouds
A white rainbow
It is a rainbow that forms in fog rather than in rain and absorbs almost all colors which gives it its pale white light.
Fluorescent seaweeds in Maldives
A beautiful phenomenon on the beach in the Maldives! It is actually micro-organisms that populate the water on the beach and shine like small stars in the water. A wonderful show!
The cloud Mamma
It’s actually cloud pockets that form at the base of a big cloud. It is a rare natural phenomenon that occurs when the air and clouds are at different humidity levels.
Eruption of a geyser
Just before the explosion of a geyser, one can observe the strange colors that the jet takes.
Calcifying lake
Some lakes have such salinity that they sometimes turn the surrounding animals into stone when they die. Impressive!
Cloud Asperatus
Considered as the rarest clouds in the world (known since 2009). They take an exceptional form.
Striated glaciers
Ice flowers
Snow roads
These volcanic chimneys form in the arctic, in particular where they are in fact volcanic ducts from which the gases escape and which are simply covered with snow!
Pills of light in Russia
When the air is very cold (in Siberia in particular), the flat reflection of the surrounding ice can give this form of "pillar" to human light...
Rochers en mouvement
This phenomenon is still little known. These are rocks that leave traces behind them over the years. What makes them move is still a mystery, but one Professor of Geology has an interesting theory .
Supercharged storm
These are the most dangerous and devastating storms that exist. They can last hours and be very localized.
A Maelstrom is a tourbillon that is formed in some places and can suck swimmers and small boats. The most powerful known is located in Saltstraumen, Norway.
Ice hair
This phenomenon occurs when a plant rejects water in an icy atmosphere. The freezing water very quickly takes this form of hair...
Sulphur eruption
This purple effect is caused by sulphuric gases that can sometimes escape in large quantities during an eruption.
Ice of Lake Baikal
Fluorescent forest
Sources Distractivey, Emlii
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