An activity to discover food in Melbourne
The concept of Lentil has Anything
The Lentil has anything is a vegetarian restaurant based on the concept of "pay what you want". It is therefore up to you, customer, to pay what you want for your meal. People are invited to eat in the restaurant, and if they choose it, can make an anonymous donation in one of the boxes arranged all over the restaurant. Staff are working to prepare organic fruit and vegetables as much as possible and fair trade tea and coffee are served at the table. Artists happen without regular hours, which sometimes makes your meal even more enjoyable.
Logo du Lentil a Anything
The Lentil has anything is a good plan in the sense that you can eat good vegetarian cuisine by giving reasonably. You could give a centime or $50 AUD, no one will tell you anything. But the goal is not there, you will have understood it. Lentil has anything is a non-profit community organization with a philosophy based on trust, generosity and social inclusion. All servers, cooks, and people working in this project are volunteers, and everyone can participate in it in any way. See the website of the Lentil has anything .
Wikimedia – Nick carson
There are three restaurants Lentil has anything in Melbourne (or near). The most beautiful site certainly remains that of Abbotsford , which is in a convent (see photo). The address: The Kitchen Annex The Abbotsford Convent 1 St Heliers St. Abbotsford Vic 3067, Australia Another exists also St Kilda : 41 Blessington Street St Kilda VIC 3182, Australia And finally Footscray : 231 Barkly Street Footscray VIC 3011, Australia
Opening times vary according to restaurants but all remain open every day of the week. Abbotsford : every day from 9am to 9pm St Kilda : every day from 11am to 9pm Footscray : every day from 9am to 3:30pm and 5pm to 9pm
A few pictures of Lentil has anything
Flickr – avlxyz
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