Slavery in the world
According to the Global Slavery Index (Global Slavery Index) created by the Walk Free Foundation In 2013, the number of people affected by modern slavery is estimated at 30 million. 3 criteria are taken into account in this calculation: slavery , forced labour or human trafficking . Unknown, this "hidden crime" concentrates 22 of the 29.8 million slaves in only 10 countries (including 14 million in India).
Map of slavery in the world, click on it to enlarge it. Source: Walk Free
Take a look at it ten countries where slavery is the most widespread by number of inhabitant.
10. Gabon
Gabon is both a country of destination and transit for victims of the modern slavery . Men and women of all ages are forced to various forms of modern slavery in this country of Africa. Girls are most often victims of trafficking in domestic servitude (or in restaurants and markets) or sexual labour while boys are victims of trafficking for manual labour. Child marriages and forced marriages are commonplace.
According to UNICEF, the lack of regulations on illegal migrant workers combined with increased poverty has led to a massive increase in trafficking in children across the country over the past 10 years. The agency considers that 200,000 children unaccompanied have been smuggled into the region to work each year .
9. Gambia
Pedophile tourism
60,000 children
8. Côte d’Ivoire
Women and children served in Côte d’Ivoire are often subjected to forced labour and prostitution. A large number of children forced to work in mines, fishing, agriculture, construction, domestic work and street sale as well as shoe targeting.
7. Benin
In this West African country, women and children involved against their will in sexual trade, domestic work and forced labour are the main victims of modern slavery. Benin has about 80,000 slaves... The International Organization for Migration (IOM) states that more than half are children . Most work in cotton plantations or cashew nuts or as domestics in homes.
6. Moldova
With about 33,000 slaves, Moldova is mainly a country of origin for modern slavery. Moldovan emigrants are served in other neighbouring countries such as Ukraine, Russia, Germany, Belarus and elsewhere. The Moldovans were victims of trafficking for organ removal.
5. Nepal
In Nepal, modern slavery practices include forced labour and prostitution. It is estimated that 259 000 Nepalese are served, both inside and outside the country. A paralysed economy, endemic corruption and institutionalized ethnic and sexual discrimination have created conditions allowing slavery to prosper since the end of 10 years of civil war in Nepal in 2006.
4. India
Although India occupies the fourth place in terms of slaves by inhabitants, it is above all the country with the largest number of people reduced to slavery in the world. Almost all forms of slavery are widespread, ranging from intergenerational debt bondage to sex trade, child labour to forced marriage... With about 13.9 million slaves India is home to almost half of the population on earth.
3. Pakistan
Modern slavery in Pakistan is mainly characterized by debt bondage. Asian Development Bank It is estimated that 1.8 million Pakistanis are linked to this form of slavery, although some NGOs have much more (up to 4.5 million). Many Pakistanis migrate to the countries of the Gulf, Iran, Turkey, South Africa and elsewhere in the search for work, where they are prey to unscrupulous workmen who hold their passports and do not pay their salaries.
2. Haiti
L’ slavery of children is a very widespread problem in the Caribbean nation of Haiti. The country is ranked second with nearly 29,000 slaves, whose problem is fuelled by high poverty, lack of access to social services and a system for child labour known as the child labour restavek in which poor children in rural areas are sent to work with the families of cities.
1. Mauritania
Mauritania ranks at the worst of this ranking regarding the “prevalence of slavery”. Up to 20% of the population is considered slave. The most horrible thing is certainly that the status of slave is transmitted through generations . In 1981, Mauritania had abolished slavery...
Here is the ranking of the NGO Free Walk:
In France there would still be 8500 slaves.
To read more in depth the slavery report and see the ranking in its entirety, click here .
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