Expenditures in Tokyo
Tokyo just came to the final position in the rankings Cheapest cities in Asia . But that doesn’t mean that a stay in the capital will be out of price. Know that Tokyo is a cheaper city than Paris at any point. However, you need to plan a large on-site housing budget (although some hotels are very accessible), in addition to a large transportation budget both to come and on-site. This is a very high expense if you don't leave trip to Japan only a week or two. On-site public transport is expensive. Is the cost of living in Tokyo high?
Flickr – Francisco Diez
The cost of living in Tokyo and in Japan in general is high. However, with a favourable exchange rate for European travellers, prices are lower than in France . In addition, the diversity of restaurants and hotels in Tokyo maintains prices at a correct level. Regarding one of the biggest expenses of your trip, transportation, it is quite possible to find cheap flights to Tokyo since Paris according to the period of the year. Regularly check prices on Compare Skyscanner .
What budget to stay in Tokyo?
First, we find more and more offers of accommodation for small budgets (including youth hostels) for some time. Then, many hotels offer affordable prices for more than suitable comfort as in capsule hotels for example. ♪ ryokan , typical Japanese inns, are quite expensive however. By booking in advance and checking prices regularly before your departure, you should find what you need at a good price.
Youth Hostel : from 20-30€ per night
Hotel ** : from 40-50€ per night
Hotel *** : from 70-80€ per night
Hotel **** : from 100-120€ per night
Hotel ***** : from 150-180€ per night (to very expensive)
Consider following the offers in advance to get the best price according to the period.
Find a hotel in Tokyo on Wanderlix
Wikimedia – JohnnyOneSpeed
What budget to eat in Tokyo?
Tokyo is the city with the most restaurants in the world. So you will have it for all tastes, from traditional restaurants to fast food, to continental restaurants. To eat at his hunger with an assortment of sushi, it takes about 12€. By finding good addresses on site, you can eat local for 7-8€.
Prices to eat in Tokyo :
Street Food : from 3 to 8€
Fast Food : 4,70€
Economic restaurant : 8-12€ in a izakaya (small restaurant)
Standard restaurant : 15-25€ about
Chic restaurant : 30-50€
Some price ideas in Tokyo
Single public transport ticket : 1,30€
Coca Canette : €1.10 (in store)
Beer (pinte) : 3,60€
Cigarette package : 3,70€
Taxi (1 km) : €2.10
Access to Tokyo Tower : Main Observatory (150 m) : 820 yen (5€85), special (250 m) : 1420 yen (10€). Price for 1 adult.
Metro 1 day : 5,90€
Japan Rail Pass 7 days : 215€ in economic class
A trip to Tokyo will be relatively expensive but if you are looking for good deals and book your hotel and flight at the right time, you will have a great chance to get out of it at a lower cost. The budget travel to be expected on site for 1 week is still worth between 300 and 400€ for a "normal" tourist and rather 600-700€ for a "prisoner" tourist. Add to this the price of the flight ticket and some hi-tech purchases and you have about your budget to plan. For a more accurate and personalized calculation of your budget travel to Tokyo , use our budget calculation tool .
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