Estimates in Sao Paulo
São Paulo is the largest city in the Brazil , and the 6th city of the world in terms of population (nearly 21 million inhabitants in 2013). Sao Paulo is therefore overcrowded, we often talk about insecurity, and the price of housing here is very high. The economic lung of the country nevertheless has advantages like Parque Ibirapuera (local Central Park) or many museums. You have a great chance to land in Sao Paulo so enjoy being there to spend a few days visiting.
Is the cost of living in São Paulo high?
Flickr – Andre Deak
Yes, the cost of living in Sao Paulo is high, a little more than Rio de Janeiro Moreover. But as we often see, you can adapt by staying in hostels, or hostels Cheap hotels , and choosing a not very high rate of expenditure. Brazil being a great country, with beautiful natural wonders, and more welcoming cities, you have no interest in staying long in Sao Paulo. During your stay, tighten your on-site budget And everything will be fine. What will be quite expensive for you is the round-trip flight from France. To limit your flight budget for Brazil , find Cheapest flight on Ulysses .
What budget to stay in São Paulo?
The housing is expensive in Sao Paulo, especially if you stay for a long period of time (flat as an expatriate). But as in all major cities, you have a wide choice of hotels and therefore a wide range of prices ranging from 10-15€ per night in a youth hostel (depending on periods and attendance, prices can climb), to 100-130€ per night in a 5-star (this can go up to 300€ per night). It is sometimes wise to look at the apartment rental offers at an individual ( Airbnb , Couchsurfing, etc...)
Youth Hostel : from 10-15€ per night
Hotel ** : from 25-30€ per night
Hotel *** : from 50€ per night
Hotel **** : from 80€ per night
Hotel ***** : from 100-130€ per night
Consider following the offers in advance to get the best price according to the period.
Find a hotel in São Paulo
Flickr – Rodrigo_Soldon
What budget to eat in São Paulo?
Enjoy being in Sao Paulo to taste Brazilian specialties in good restaurants: Feijoada, Churrasco, etc... The Brazilians love to meet at the restaurant, so the atmosphere is great. If you don't want to spend too much for food here, count 10€ per day and per person budget to eat . If you want to go to the restaurant noon and evening, plan more than 30 to 40€ per day and per person.
Prices for food in São Paulo :
Street Food (marmitex, kebab, etc...) : from 2 to 5€
Fast Food : €5.60
Economic restaurant : 6-10€ about
Standard restaurant : 15-20€
Chic restaurant : 20-25€ about
Some price ideas in São Paulo
Single public transport ticket : 1€
Coca Canette : €1.05 (in store)
Beer (pinte) : 1,60€
Cigarette package : €1.9
Taxi (1 km) : 1€
1 hour Helicopter Taxi Race (!) : 1800 RLS (570€) for 3 people, or 190€ per person.
Entry to the MASP-Museu de Arte de Paulo : 15 RLS (4€70), free for all on Tuesday, closed on Monday
You have to say that, Sao Paulo is not a city to be preferred in a trip to Brazil , especially if you are looking for limit your expenses . However, it is quite possible to stay for cheap in this gigantic city. To give you an idea of budget estimates in Sao Paulo , so you can use these numbers as well as our tool budget travel .
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