Expenses to be forecast in Siem Reap
Siem Reap is a city that attracts many visitors every year thanks to Temples of Angkor . These are absolutely immanquable on a journey to Cambodia . If your budget travel Forecast for Siem Reap (and the country in general) will not be high, temples may swell your daily budget. But no worry: everything remains very affordable here in Siem Reap. Is the cost of living in Siem Reap high?
Flickr – tylerdurden1
Generally speaking, a trip to Cambodia remains very low if one does not take into account the return flight. On site, hotels are very cheap, and food is, like in South-East Asia, good and cheap. So you only have to find cheap flights to Siem Reap and your travel budget will be closed. We need to know that here everything pays US dollars and that the riel (for the official currency) only serves for the small currency (1$ = 4000 riels). However, life in Siem Reap (and in the capital) is a little higher than in the rest of the country: it is the effect of tourism.
What budget to stay in Siem Reap?
As you can see below, your budget accommodation in Siem Reap will not be high at all. You have the choice between taking a really cheap hotel and enjoying food and activities, or on the contrary, taking a 4-5-star hotel to make you enjoy at very good prices. Attention, it is possible that, depending on the periods, the prices will adapt.
Youth Hostel : from 4-9€ per night
Hotel ** : from 10-15€ per night
Hotel *** : from 15-20€ per night
Hotel **** : from 25-30€ per night
Hotel ***** : from 40-50€ per night
Consider following the offers in advance to get the best price according to the period.
Find a hotel in Siem Reap on Toolito
Flickr – killerturnip
What budget to eat in Siem Reap?
Siem Riep is a tourist city and you will see the benefits in the city center. Many restaurants and bars are held by foreigners who offer different cuisines. But if you want to eat local and not much, head to the central market. Regarding the tip, it is not rigour. Servers, taxis, etc... are used to receiving a little bit of it, but if you don’t give anything, no one will be disappointed.
Prices for food in Siem Reap :
Street Food (local plates, market dishes...) : from 1 to 3€
Fast Food : 3€
Economic restaurant : from 2 to 5€
Standard restaurant : from 7 to 11€
Chic restaurant : from 11 to 20€
Some price ideas in Siem Reap
Coca Canette : €0.40 (in store)
Beer (pinte) : 0.5 – 1€
Cigarette package : 1€
Moto-dop race : 0,20 – 0,30€
Bicycle rental $1 or $2 a day for a single bike, $2 or $3 a day for a mountain bike
Entry to the Temples of Angkor : 1 day ($20), 3 days ($40), 7 days ($60). 15€, 29€, and 44€.
1h massage $5 to $10
Bus ticket to Phnom Penh : 4-8€ (all depends on the company)
Are you reassured? Or did you think? Yes, the cost of living in Siem Reap is not high, even if it tends to change because of mass tourism to the Temples. Whether to eat or sleep, everything remains widely accessible to all types of travellers. Those who will be most careful will come out for about 15-20€ per day (with entrance to the Temples). To calculate your budget travel to Cambodia , use our calculation tool budget travel .
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