Estimates in Bratislava
The capital of the Slovakia is small (415 000 inhabitants) and has no innumerable things to do and visit , but yet its historic centre has an unusual charm. Bratislava visit in a few days and you don’t need a big budget to stay here. Here are some numbers to help you see it clearer for your budget travel to Slovakia and more precisely Bratislava .
Is the cost of living in Bratislava high?
Flickr – Anthony Citrano
If you are a reasonable tourist on expenses, you will only need between 16 and 32€ per day and per person, as indicated by our budget calculator . If Bratislava fits ideally in a road trip in Europe, you will also find low-cost flights and cheap from France and Europe.
What budget to stay in Bratislava?
The hotels are quite expensive for the country's standard of living, but it is widely possible to find a cheap hotel or hostels. It is up to you to look for offers and good plans or to go to the right time (creuse).
Youth Hostel : from 12€ per night
Hotel ** : from 20€ per night
Hotel *** : from 25-30€ per night
Hotel **** : from 50€ per night
Hotel ***** : from 70€ per night (but often around 100€ per night for 1 pers.)
Consider following the offers in advance to get the best price according to the period.
Find a hotel in Bratislava
Flickr – Marie Thérèse Hébert & Jean Robert Thibault
What budget to eat in Bratislava?
You'll find what you shave in Bratislava for cheap, Vináreň and Reštaurácia . Enjoy it to taste Goulasch For example. Prices for food in Bratislava :
Street Food : from 3 to 7€ (kebab, etc...)
Fast Food : 5€
Economic restaurant : 5-8€
Normal restaurant : 15€
Restaurant a little more chic : from 20€
Some price ideas in Bratislava
Single public transport ticket : 0,90€
Coca Canette : €1.20 (in store)
Beer : 1,30€ local pinete
Cigarette package : 3,50€
Taxi (1 km) : €0.60
Entrance to the Castle of Bratislava : 3€ (price adult)
Bratislava is therefore a very affordable destination, like many cities Europe . The transition to the Euro in Slovakia did not have a negative impact on prices (or not yet). Only the accommodation is a little more expensive despite being able to find a few hostels. Calculate your travel budget before leaving in Slovakia and Bratislava on our budget calculation tool !
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