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10 useful applications for camping-car

Are you going on a camper? Take the time to download these 10 applications before leaving, to facilitate your adventures!

GPS, road maps, very little for you? From park4night to wifimap to, here are ten apps that will make your smartphone the best ally holidays in camping-car .

1. Park4night

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Photo credit: Facebook – park4night

Android What? iOS

Indispensable. If you have to remember only one, it is this contributive application. Park4night covers, all over the planet, camping-car areas (free, paid, private), rest areas, places or park (day and/or night), campsites, outdoor spots, picnic areas... The principle: each user shares the cool corners where he liked to spend the night or just stop with his camper, van or van. After validation, the place appears in the research. Each can assign a note, a comment and a photo that will allow future travellers to choose a place to take a break. During your journey, the search "Around Me" allows you to view the places where to stop near your place of passage. Each spot is located so that you can access your GPS. Be careful, the app is not dedicated to the only motorhomes, so check if the place you intend to sleep is accessible with your own vehicle.

The advantages and disadvantages Main advantage: access to all information without Internet connection . A great comfort when you are lost in the pampa. And if not? No advertisements, search for points of interest along a predefined route, telephone numbers of the agents and campsites. The subscription also helps to improve the application. However, these benefits are only available on the paid version.

Rates The free version will fill most users but there is a paid version ( €1.99 per month, 9,99€ /an).

Alternatives : Caramaps, Aires C. Car (for France), Camping-Car Park (an application that refers to paid areas), Wikicamps or iOverlander.

2. Waze

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Photo credit: Shutterstock / dennizn

Android What? iOS

Another useful tool for motorhomes: a navigation application. You will appreciate the ergonomics and design of Waze, which adapts to traffic conditions to offer you the most fluid route. You can also inform other users about the presence of an event calling for special vigilance (accident, cap, radar...).

Benefits and disadvantages Only inconvenience, you will not be able to select your vehicle's template. Risk? Get stuck with your bolide in the narrow streets of a small town. There are GPS dedicated to motorhomes. But if you prefer to navigate through your smartphone, we recommend CoPilot Caravan Europe.

Rates Waze is totally free!

Alternatives : Maps (Google), Coyote (paying)...

3. CoPilot GPS

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Photo credit: Google Play – CoPilot GPS

Android What? iOS

CoPilot GPS calculates your itinerary according to the template of your camping car previously informed by your care. The journey times will also be adjusted to your vehicle: the camping-car journey time is usually more important than that of a classic vehicle.

Benefits and disadvantages The advantage of this application compared to any other available GPS is undoubtedly the custom route calculation.

Rates The application is paid ( 30€/year ) after 14 days of use.


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Photo credit: Facebook –

Android What? iOS

At the border between navigation and the travel guide, this global mapping application allows you to download the maps of your destinations before your stay or when you enjoy an internet connection (this is also the case with Google Maps).

Benefits and disadvantages The most? Move easily without using a mobile connection. also offers you the points of interest around your holiday: restaurants, attractions, museums, accommodation, health...

Rates is totally free.

5. Bubble level

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Photo credit: Google Play – Bubble Level-DotDog

Android What? iOS

Camping-carists and other vanists know that. Every time you stop to spend the night, or simply take your meal in your camper (so sometimes several times a day!), you will check the state of the pitch and especially if the ground is straight. It would be a shame to spill your tea or sleep your head down! Put your phone on a stable plan (table, work plan). Adjust the position of your vehicle: you will need to have two circles on the screen. The more they join, the more you're right.

Benefits and disadvantages If you didn’t have time to buy a bubble level (there are small models dedicated to motorhomes), the Bull Level app does the job.

Rates The app is free.

Alternatives : attention, if you type "bubble level" on your catalog, several applications have the same name. Your choice! The overall score and the number of downloads are good indicators.

6. Weather France (or your favorite weather app!)

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Photo credit: Google Play – Weather-France

Android What? iOS

Méteo-France allows us to examine the expected evolution of the weather conditions and thus set the course towards the sun (or not! After all, each taste).

Benefits and disadvantages The main advantage is to be able to adapt its route to the weather (sometimes moving a few hundred kilometres, it is appropriate). Moreover, Weather France is the most reliable application in this field.

Rates Here again, Weather France is free.

Alternatives Weather Pro, Weather, The Weather Channel, Weather & Radar...

7. Flush

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Android What? iOS

Flush is an application to find toilets nearby.

Benefits and disadvantages The application lists free or paid toilets, and adds new toilets not yet listed. In addition, it is possible to use the app with two different modes, “explore” to view on a map and “near me” to have a list with addresses. The effectiveness of the application in some areas is not optimal.

Rates The app is downloadable free of charge.

8. XE Currency

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Photo credit: Facebook –

Android What? iOS

XE Currency allows to convert all currencies in the world.

Benefits and disadvantages The application allows to know real-time prices and thus avoid getting anarized.

Rates You can download the app for free.

9. Gasoil now

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Photo credit: AppStore – Gasoil now

Android What? iOS

It’s good to know your itinerary. But in camping-car, you also need fuel to travel. The Gasoil now app, very well designed, allows you to view on a map the petrol pumps nearby or on your itinerary.

Benefits and disadvantages A color code (green it’s cheap, red it’s expensive) allows to know the price of the different stations. By returning the model of your vehicle, the size of your tank, you will see the cost of a full in a particular station. You can also change the rates of a station if you notice a difference. With motorhomes sometimes greedy in fuel, a few cents of difference in the liter can make a big difference on the final note. Attention, this application is especially usable in France. Equivalents exist in other countries.

Rates The app is free.

Alternatives : Essence & Co, Fuel flash

10. WiFi Map

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Android What? iOS

Wi-Fi Map is a free app that collects and locates wifi spots nearby.

Benefits and disadvantages The application covers the entire planet thanks to several million users. It contains free-access wifi spots, as well as others requiring the creation of an account or even private Wi-Fi whose owners know the password. You can contribute to the app by teaching your own spots.

Rates This app is free of charge.

There you go. You're bet, you can go quiet. Note that most of these applications are free and available both on Google Play and Apple store. Good trip!

Sophia Harris

Sophia Harris

I'm Sophia Harris, an intrepid traveler forever captivated by the world's allure. Life's journey is my greatest inspiration, filled with vibrant moments, from summiting majestic peaks to immersing myself in diverse cultures. Every destination has a unique story, and I'm here to share those stories with you. Through my narratives, I aim to ignite your wanderlust, offering insights, tips, and the sheer joy of exploration. Let's embark on this extraordinary adventure together, unveiling the world's hidden treasures and creating lasting memories along the way.

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