Are you planning a trip to Iran? Tips, information, security: discover everything you need to know before leaving!
A journey to eternal Persia, is it tempting you? For a long time, Iran is unveiling today in the world... This country, which has nearly 82 million inhabitants, is three times large as France. This makes him the second largest country in the Middle East, after Saudi Arabia. The irresistible beauty of this country is evident by its long list of exceptional monuments, many of which are classified as UNESCO World Heritage. Between its sumptuous domes of Ispahan and Chiraz and its archaeological sites in Persepolis, you will undoubtedly be seduced by this mythical destination with an incredibly preserved architectural heritage. You will meet a civilization of great wealth and feel the cultural mud of a youth eager for change...
To leave in this unrecognized country, long cut off from the world, it is the assurance of an unforgettable journey, provided you prepare yourself there. To anticipate at best your departure and enjoy your stay as it should be, it is necessary to know some information and advice that will be useful to you throughout your trip. Follow us, they tell you everything!
Do we need a visa to travel to Iran?

The answer is yes! For a month, you will be awarded exactly for the dates of your trip, and costs about 75€. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs recommends that the request be made to the Embassy of Iran in Paris a few weeks in advance, as it may take time. You can find on the embassy site, the list of documents to provide for your tourist visa application.
Good to know. : you cannot have a visa if your passport contains an Israeli visa.
How to dress to travel to Iran?

Photo credit: Unsplash – Hasan Almasi
All women, including foreigners, must cover the head of a piece of cloth and wear long and wide clothing in all public spaces. The scarf must cover the neck and be carried from the plane’s descent into all public spaces. Specifically, it can only be removed in the hotel room.
In no case can the legs be naked. However, be aware that long skirts, trousers, jeans and overwear are allowed. Men, they, must wear long trousers, shirt or T-shirt: no shorts and no retardant.
Is a trip to Iran risky?

It is true that Iran is a country in the middle of a conflicting region, but no, it is not risky to travel to Iran! Iran raises a lot of ideas received, but it is a safe country where it is very pleasant to travel. Evidently, it is not necessary to try a trip completely out of beaten paths (hiking in isolated areas, camping, auto stop...) in this country, because the Iranian authorities are at risk of a problem to you. But if you stay on the tourist "paths", everything will happen without congestion. The population is also known to be very welcoming and curious to visitors who land on their soil.
The point on which to pay attention: it is driving in the country! Signal light, ground marking... Nothing is respected. And it can be very dangerous when you are pedestrian. So, a board, if you want to cross the road, be very vigilant and follow the premises.
Note also that travel along certain borders is not recommended (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Turkey) or even formally prohibited (Iraq and Afghanistan border areas) due to several million mines, which are not all located or neutralized.
Example of route for a trip to Iran

As mentioned above, Iran is 3 times the size of France and the distances between points of interest can be very long. It is therefore important to prepare your trip well and say that no, it is not possible to see everything from the country in just a few weeks!
You can choose between a stay more city/culture, or rather nature, or try to combine both. The cities not to be missed are Tehran, the capital, Ispahan, the blue city in which is expressed all the perse architectural splendour, Yazd, one of the oldest cities in the world, Persepolis, ranked as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, or Chiraz, with an absolutely magnificent historical heritage.
For a little more nature, head to expeditions in the desert of Dasht e-lut and Dasht e-Kavir with the visit of the oasis.
If you have a little more time and want to combine a bit of both, we recommend Shiraz, Ispahan, Yazd, Kerman, Desert de Dasht e-lut and Teheran.
What budget for a trip to Iran?

Photo credit: Flickr – youngrobv
Travelling to Iran is neither expensive nor cheap. First of all, it is good to know that if the official Iranian currency is the rial, the Iranians always give you the prices in tomans ( 1€ is worth about 35,000 Iranian Rials and 1 toman = 10 rials ). For the rest, everything depends on how you move and where you sleep, of course!
Some examples of prices in Iran:
- Airline ticket : 250/300€ round trip (see the best flight offers on our partner's website Ulysses ) - Airport transfer to Tehran centre (taxi) : 800 000 rials (20 €). - Taxi (classical race): 3 / 4 € - Night at the hotel (standard room for 2 people): 40/50€ - Guesthouse : 12/15€ - Couchsurfing : it is forbidden but still very common in the country. And it’s free!!! - Food : 2/3€ in the street, 7/8€ in the restaurant - Excursions : 10/20€
Good to know. : Know that you will not be able to use your blue card in Iranian ticket distributors or checks. It is imperative to provide currency liquidity for the duration of the stay (€ or dollars) and to change on site. Many traders accept euros and dollars. And for purchases exceeding €400, merchants have bank terminals: the account is then debited by a bank outside Iran.
Useful information for a trip to Iran
- Couples
If you travel as a couple, be sure to adopt a discreet attitude: you must avoid touching yourself or kissing in public. Some hotels ask that the cuts be married to sleep together... The little trick? Wear a "false alliance", we will not bother you!
- Alcohol
It's forbidden in Iran! Many premises produce their own alcohol. And smuggling alcohol can be found in the streets... Now the authorities are strict and don't laugh at it, so you're advised to do an alcohol-free treatment during your trip.
- Internet
Many websites are banned in Iran, like facebook, twitter, youtube, snapshat... To bypass and remain “connected to your social networks”, you can download a VPN that will allow you to have an IP address from a foreign country.
- To get in the mood
To learn about the country’s history, you’ll be in Persepolis, a Franco-American-Iranian animated feature directed by Vincent Paronnaud and Marjane Satrapi... If you are more books, the film is inspired by Marjane Satrapi’s autobiographical cartoon!
- To please his loved ones
In Iran, the carpets are very beautiful and interesting. Learn before and go to a recognized merchant. It is best, if you are not familiar, to ask for advice.
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