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The 9 most dangerous places in the world

Whether they are closed to the public or open to the most adventurers of us, these 9 places are the most dangerous in the world!

You may have left these people a little crazy who like to jump cliffs, chain towers in Russian mountains, push to the maximum the accelerator pedal or go solo in remote areas? Whether it’s a natural adrenaline penchant, an attraction for risk and novelty or a quest for extremes to feel you’re living, your thirst for danger has no limit? We thought about you! Do you know that our planet is full of dangerous places that will perfectly satisfy your insatiable need for dopamine?

More or less accessible, they will awaken your desires for strong sensations. To all those with a fragile stomach, dizziness, fear of speed or a special taste for routine, it is better to pass your path. Discover 9 most dangerous places in the world.

1. Mount Hua, China

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Photo credit: Shutterstock / Maciej Bledowski

This Chinese sacred mountain is systematically listed as the most dangerous places in the world!

Take off the urban madness of the great Chinese megalopolies to win the mythical sides of this acerated and sacred mountain. Do you see the microscopic trails dug in the cliff? These miserable wooden boards lined with branches that serve as hiking trails? Are we talking about these febrially suspended installations at more than 2000 metres above sea level? These stairs, carved in the rock, completely vertical? Well, that's it!

Of course, if you survive this ascent of a few hours, you will have seen landscapes and had the right to absolutely unique panoramas!

2. The Devil's Pool, Zimbabwe

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Photo credit: Shutterstock / StanislavBeloglazov

If making a plouf in a municipal pool bothers you, make it rather dip in the most creepy pool in the world!

Our second dangerous place is at the top of Victoria Falls at the Zimbabwe and Zambia border. This is the pool of the devil that brings you to the edge of a precipice of more than a hundred meters high. Of course, it is high, but it is mostly torrential! The volume of water can climb in a blink of an eye and, potentially, lead you into a fatal dip.

3. The Route des Yungas, Bolivia

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Photo credit: Shutterstock / Andrew Clifforth

Alias, the Death Road ! At least, no doubt that it is one of the most dangerous places in the world! The idea? Devalue for three hours, by bike, an extremely dizzy and stained path along the Bolivian cliffs.

You start at 4750 meters above sea level and finish at 1200 meters. Then you pass from five to twenty-five degrees. Then you go 70 km/h. The trail is just over three metres. Down below, clouds cover the valley and mist sometimes mouths the landscape. The road turns, shrinks, anchors and wet soil overtake you.

You squeeze the void, try to keep control over your handlebars while your fingers are frigorized and above all, you must stay focused on any occasion. A second of inattention and you dive, thus joining thousands of shakes that have not had a second chance.

4. The door of hellTurkmenistan

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Photo credit: Shutterstock / wangko

This small republic enclaved in Central Asia is known for its incredible gas crater located near the village of Darvaza. It is one of the dangerous and fascinating places at a time. Indeed, it is a crater, constantly spitting fire, placed in the middle of the desert! The light that emanates from it is so vivid that this “door of hell” It's miles away.

If you approach too close to the incandescent precipice, before you die carbonized at the bottom of the hole because the sand will be erased under your feet, it may be a burning wind that will have spit you on the spot. But if your guide (no, we don’t go there alone) is pretty clever enough to allow you to approach the crater a little more, you will be struck by the flames that lick, tireless, the rock, the deaf noise at the bottom of the hole and the smell of suffering.

5. The Island of Queimada Grande, Brazil

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Photo credit: Shutterstock / Leo Francini

You'll have to have the strong nerves to penetrate this scary and very inhospitable place! Welcome, or not, on the island of Queimada Grande...

This small green setting, peacefully placed off the Brazilian coast, is indeed one of the most dangerous places in the world. She's lt-it-ra-le-ment invades snakes! But no harmless snakes, no, no! She's infested. Jararaca-ilhoa The most venomous viper in the world. A bite and an hour later, you are no longer in this world. The venom of these snakes is completely capable of dissolving the human flesh. In addition, with a density of a snake every square meter, do not intend to pass through a head-to-head with a Jararaca-ilhoa.

So let’s be clear, unless you are a world-renowned biologist or scientist, you will never be allowed to put a toe on this island.

6. The Kjeragbolten, Norway

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Photo credit: Shutterstock / Kochneva Tetyana

Hearing on a rock suspended almost by magic above a fjord without background? Normal! The Kjerag rock is an emblem of Norway. But also one of the dangerous places of our palm trees! Before you get there, you must first rub yourself in a busy hike. From the start, you must climb into the rocks, sometimes with crachin or snow making the walls particularly slippery. At the end of the road: the famous Kjerag rock.

Just higher than you, this stone is Just stuck between two cliffs. On the left, a waterfall, on the right, a breathtaking natural fjord that slides up to the horizon, below, the void, the void, the void. Such is the tradition among the most greedy: climb on this ridiculous rock and thus stay suspended in the void, with certainly in the background a spectacular landscape

7. Lake Natron, Tanzania

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Photo credit: Shutterstock / Bildagentur Zoonar GmbH

It is pink, it flatters in the heart of one of the most beautiful natural reserves in the world but it is a true ornithological cemetery! Lake Natron in Tanzania are among the most dangerous places in the world, for humans and animals. Only three species can survive. Why? Because this lake has the peculiarity of being salty and extremely alkaline. Its pH is almost equivalent to that of ammonia. At least contact, the water inflicts atrocious pain and literally petrifies the bodies.

This is why, when the level drops, calcified bird bodies can be observed, frozen in time and in the slightest detail. Not to mention the unbearable sulphur odours that emanate permanently. So, who's hot for a little swim?

8. Death Valley, United States

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Photo credit: Shutterstock / Julien Hautcoeur

The American West is a flagship destination for road trip mordus. Every year many travellers crowd its almost lunar landscapes and monumental geological formations. It is not imagined that he is among the dangerous places of the planet.

Yet, even if Death Valley figure on the classic itineraries, keep in mind that its name is not a coincidence! It still owes this morbid appellation to its particularly inhospitable characteristics for Man and most animal species.

This desert valley holds the highest temperature record ever recorded on Earth: nearly 57 degrees! So, who is going to stop on the roadside and make a little digestive ride in the oven corridor ?

9. Iakoutsk, Siberia, Russia

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Photo credit: Shutterstock / Marcin Osman

This is the coldest city in the world. Just tell you that we are not going there for a wedding trip or a relaxing holiday. As soon as you set foot outside the plane, you are welcomed by a thermometer at -50 degrees!

In fact, it is enough to imagine a world built in your freezer. Even worse! The air burns, the cold cuts, the jaws get realised, the entire landscape is frozen in the ice, nothing is buried because of a frozen ground up to two cent-fifty meter of depth. However, if you are an agoraphobe aunt, in preparation for the Everest or passionate about virgin landscapes, no doubt that you will love the latter from dangerous places.

Olivia Smith

Olivia Smith

I'm Olivia Smith, an explorer enchanted by the world's diversity. Life's journey is my greatest passion, filled with awe-inspiring moments, from chasing sunsets on remote beaches to immersing myself in vibrant cultures. Each destination is a chapter in my story, and I'm here to share those stories with you. Through my words, I aspire to ignite your wanderlust, providing insights, tips, and the sheer magic of exploration. Let's embark on this thrilling adventure together, uncovering the world's hidden gems and crafting cherished memories along the way.

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