If you are looking for a place to rest in Montpellier, this article on the best gardens and parks will help you in your research!
In the winter, the days are longer and the temperatures are softened. The flowering gardens and sun rays warming your skin soften every moment spent outside. Alone, with friends or with the person you choose your heart, you only have a desire: enjoy fresh air.
This is why Wanderlix offers you its selection of the best gardens and parks to chill in Montpellier. Thus, you can vary the pleasures, between walks, naps at the foot of a tree and picnic among friends.
1. Peyrou Park
How do we start our tour of the gardens and parks where to chill in Montpellier other than the Peyrou Park? Whether you’ve just arrived in Montpellier or just spent a weekend there, you’ll definitely hear about it!
He is one of the prides of the inhabitants. It must be said that this park is a real splendour, recalling the most beautiful monarchical esplanades scattered in France. In Peyrou, you can also make a nice walk, digestive or to enjoy the sunset, that you sit there for a whole afternoon with your friends.
Here you will find the Peyrou gate, dating from the late 17th century, the aqueduct of the Saint-Clément source as well as the Arceaux aqueduct. But above all, you will discover beautiful avenues and terraces, designed by architect Daviler, for a style of “French gardens”.
2. The garden of plants
The plant garden is the bowl of fresh air you need if you are a nature lover. Founded in 1593, by Henri IV, it is the oldest botanical garden in France. From the orangery to the Richer mountain, from the English garden to the "Snacissa tomb", it extends over 5 hectares.
Take the time to observe each species of this natural setting, learn the characteristics of the different plants and flowers of the garden, and breathe. Once immersed in the heart of the bamboo aisles or close to the frog pond, the world seems totally stopped.
If the garden of plants is not the ideal place to sit to enjoy the sun, it is, on the other hand, the uncontournable Montpelliérain to regain its breath, and to make the full of natural energies.
3. Domaine de Méric Park
Although you are looking for a garden or park in Montpellier, you will find it at Domaine de Méric! With a range of more than 10 hectares, it will necessarily meet your expectations. A picnic day with friends, a walk in the heart of its meadow, any blossom of poppies in April, or a simply stroll along the water...
You’ll meet as many dogs on a walk as children playing with their parents, and enjoy the cohue full of positive energy released from this park. Enjoy this oasis of tranquility, open until 9:30 pm in June, July and August.
4. The banks of the Lez
Here we do not deal with a park or a garden will tell us you. Of course, but the banks of the Lez are the place to be if you are looking for a place to chill in Montpellier in the summer! You will cross a whole group set, a real melting-pot of culture.
Between in love playing chess, groups of unknown who find themselves to walk their dogs, a picnic family and sportsmen acting by following the rhythm of music, you will not be disappointed!
On leaving work or in the middle of the weekend, enjoy the sun and the spectacle offered by the seagulls and other ducks that join in the middle of the Lez, as to unite the two shores. A delight!
5. The Esplanade of Europe
Here is another place to meet to chill in Montpellier: the Esplanade of Europe! Located at the end of the Antigone district in Montpellier, it is famous for its grandiose architecture, in the form of a Circle Arc.
This architecture offers the perfect barrier between the city brouha and the calm of the banks of the Lez. A large green space faces it, allowing in the summer to settle in full sun, alone or in a group, in order to relax with a card game or music.
Just a step away, you can even enjoy the terraces of several restaurants/bars in order to restore you if the sun hits too hard.
6. Font Colombe Park
Prairie flowery, playground in wood, ponds and remarkable trees, Font Colombe Park offers a real parenthesis outside the city. But here, there is no question only of greenery, but also of architecture.
Indeed, the castle of Font Colombe is what is called a “Folie Montpelliéraine”, that is to say a house built for the aristocrats. If the castle is not visitable, the appreciation of its architecture is sufficient to make the visit of this route particularly gentle.
7. Parc Georges Charpak
Finally, here is our last idea to find a garden or park where to chill in Montpellier: Parc Georges Charpak! Located within the Port Marianne district, it offers in turn a wealth of possibilities. Its large grass ranges allow to spread its sheets for picnic, improvise a game of football or simply stroll around the time of an hour of digestion.
A water mirror makes the connection between Parc Charpak and the Jacques Cœur basin, and you will find in the summer, in the afternoons of big heats, children there patoger to refresh themselves. Finally, it is from this park that the Montpelliérain fireworks were fired on July 14.
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