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See La Cène de Léonard de Vinci in Milan: tips and information

The last meal of Christ, the Ceremony of Leonardo da Vinci is today exposed in Milan, in the church of Santa Maria delle Grazie. Are you ready to detect his ultimate secrets?

If several copies exist of this emblematic wall painting, it is at Milan that is the original of the Cène de Léonard de Vinci. Its gigantic dimensions – 460 x 880 centimetres – make this work one of the most impressive in the world.

At the end of the religious writings, Leonardo da Vinci was able to set up a rather complicated and very strong scene for the Christian religion. The Supper represents the last meal of Jesus with his twelve apostles, when he announces to them that one of them will betray them. We then witness the reaction of each one, following this brutal announcement. Christians consider this gigantic work as one of the pillars of the Christian faith. According to them, it is the commemoration of the Eucharist, the sacrament perpetuating the sacrifice of Christ, sometimes called “Sainte-Cène”...

History of Leonardo da Vinci

Originally, Leonardo d’ Vinci

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Photo credit: Flickr / Mamjodh

Leonardo da Vinci is a man who has marked his time and all those who succeed him. A prolific artist, his works count by thousands between drawings, sketches, studies, paintings, sculptures, and other inventions. Still today, some of them are lined with mysteries and many researchers and historians are trying to understand them. Vinci’s enigma will also impact other forms of art, such as literature. We all remember the immense success of Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code. A novel whose intrigue gravitates around the imposing creation of Leonardo da Vinci and the interpretation that everyone can make of it. The mysteries evoked and raised questions remain unclear to date...

Last thoughtful meal

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Photo credit: Shutterstock / Olga Klochanko

La Cène de Léonard de Vinci is one of these remarkable works, which do not leave compensation. Directed at the end of the 15th century, between 1494-1495 and 1498, this “Dernier Souper” ( Ultima Cena in Italian) Christ was commanded by the Dominican convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie, and specifically for his refectory. Three years of creation during which Leonardo da Vinci carried out a long work of preparation, research and observation. Testimonies tell us that the painter sometimes spent several hours or even whole days, strolling through the streets of Milan, looking for an inspiring face or an adequate posture. Sometimes he started painting very early in the day and only stopped once satisfied with his work, without eating or taking a break. Other times, he preferred to remain still in front of his work, probably to reflect on his future movements.

A different technique of realization

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Photo credit: Shuttertsock / Tulenkov

For the realization of the mural painting of the Cene, Leonardo d’ Vinci chose to use a different technique than that which was in vogue at the time: the detrempe ( tempera ). This technique consists of applying a layer of calcium carbonate and magnesium before beginning to paint. In finish, the famous “tempera” is applied: an emulsion of eggs and oil, which must fix the pigments of the paint. The problem of this technique is that it does not resist very well to the heights of time and humidity.

Leonardo da Vinci, a survivor

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Photo credit: Shutterstock / BPStock

In addition to an unresistant artistic technique that will mislead the work, the Cène de Léonard de Vinci will know a few tricks over the centuries. First, barely 20 years later, it is declared in a state of advanced decay. Then the Cène wall is decorated with a door between the refectory and the kitchen. A door that completely ruins the lower part of the scene. Then, at the time of Napoleon, the refectory was transformed into a stable. A little later, Napoleonic soldiers shot the gun on the wall and severely damaged the Cene ceiling. And finally, the church is bombed... Miraculously, the wall stands. La Cène was restored from 1726, then many more times, until the last restoration campaign from 1978 to 1999, by Pinin Brambilla Barcilon.

World renowned and contemplation

Today, the work attracts millions of tourists every year. This is why we advise you to opt for a cut-file ticket if you want to be certain to see the Leonard de Vinci. To properly manage the affluence and allow a maximum of person to see the fresco, guided tours “classical” do not last very long. It will not be obvious to stay more than 15 minutes in front of the Cene.

What to see at the Leonardo da Vinci Cene in Milan?

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Photo credit: Shutterstock / oneinchpunch

The main attraction of this cultural activity is of course the wall where the Leonard de Vinci is painted, timeless masterpiece. Discover details of the work, saved by the different restorations which have managed to preserve the original traits and colours.

Enjoy also the church Santa Maria delle Grazie , a fabulous red brick building listed in UNESCO’s heritage. It was founded, as well as the adjacent monastery, in 1463. The interior of the building is worth a visit, with its very impressive architecture and above all very maintained. In itself, the church does not come out of the ordinary. In spite of all, the visit is a little immersed in a part of the atmosphere in which the Cène was born.

Other places to see after the Leonardo da Vinci Cene in Milan

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Photo credit: From s74 /

Being in Milan will also be the opportunity to discover the « Atlantic Code » : a set of 12 volumes of scientific drawings and writings. All are made and described by Leonardo da Vinci himself, between 1478 and 1519. This is simply the largest collection of Vinci drawings to date. Various topics are mentioned here: preparatory sketches, drawings, research in mathematics, astronomy, culinary recipes, and philosophical thoughts and many invention projects... This “Codex Atlanticus” is located at the Ambrosian Pinacoteca.

If your stay allows you, take the time to visit Milan, a city full of surprises. The capital of fashion and shopping is also a city of history. The very famous Duomo ( Dôme de Milan ) is located a few steps from the Cène de Léonard de Vinci. The Vittorio Emanuele II Gallery is home to prestigious boutiques and by crossing it you will fall on the luxury theatre, the Scala de Milan . A very famous building, it has a museum with an incredible collection of opera-related works. An ideal stop to complete the visit of Leonard de Vinci.

How do I go to see the Leonardo da Vinci Cene in Milan?

  • By metro: line M1 (red), stops Conciliazione or Cadorna; line M2 (green), stop Cadorna
  • By suburban train: lines S1, S2, S3, S4 towards the Cadorna stop.
  • On foot: 20 minutes walk from Dôme (city center).
  • By bike: popular equivalent of the Parisian Vélib’, they allow to travel throughout the city.

Timetables & rates to see the Leonardo da Vinci Cena in Milan


  • Discovery of the Cenes (groups of up to 25 people, available in French): Tuesday to Sunday, from 8:15 to 6:45. Duration: 30 minutes.
  • Visit to the Cène in English : Tuesday to Sunday from 8:30 am. Duration 1 hour.
  • Private visit of the Cene 12 times a day. From Tuesday to Sunday, from 9am to 5pm. Duration: about 1 hour.
  • Half day trip with skip-line ticket and visit: Tuesday to Sunday, morning or afternoon.All quarter hours between 8:30 and 14:15. Duration: 3 hours.
  • Closed on Monday, January 1, May 1 and December 25.


  • Visit to the Cène (French) : from 44 € per person depending on the tour and the selected options.
  • Cut-line ticket with visit (English): from 50 €
  • Line Cut Ticket with Private Tour of the Cene : 186 € for one person. The price is €160 for the guide, plus €26 per person. For groups of more than 7 people, this climbs to 49 € per person (in addition to 160 €).
  • Half day trip with skip-line ticket and visit: 68 € per person.
  • Reduced prices for 18-25 years and 6-17 years. Free below 6 years.

The small plus of the cut-file ticket

With a cut-file ticket, you will have the opportunity to discover this fantastic picture with an English-speaking expert guide to enjoy the best of anecdotes and other sensational little stories. Each visitor has an audio headphone with real-time comments about what you admire.

Thanks to this advantageous ticket, you have the opportunity to avoid the endless queues and to immediately plunge you into the stunning and extremely rich world of Vinci.


- ♪ photos with flash are not allowed when discovering the Supper. To avoid leaving empty hands, you can buy souvenirs in the museum shop.
- If you visit the museum, what is recommended, a implementation will allow you to follow a guided tour in French.
- Des French visits guided and private are available, but they cost quite expensive. However, they remain the best way to fully enjoy the Cène de Léonard de Vinci.
- Cène attracts a lot of people, take the time to book your visit and your ticket cut-file Very early.
- It is the responsibility of each person to arrive at the starting point of the visits half an hour before.
- A very correct outfit is required to enter the church of Santa Maria delle Grazie. Shorts and strippers are prohibited, for both men and women. Wear clothes that cover your shoulders and yours knees.

Sophia Martinez

Sophia Martinez

I'm Sophia Martinez, a curious soul fueled by wanderlust. My life is a collection of breathtaking moments, from watching sunsets on remote beaches to savoring street food in bustling markets. Embracing each destination's uniqueness, I seek to share the essence of my travels with you. Through my stories, I hope to inspire your own journeys, offer invaluable insights, and evoke the thrill of exploration. Together, let's set forth on an extraordinary adventure, uncovering the world's hidden treasures, and creating memories that last a lifetime.

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