"aircraft" legends have been confirmed: airlines keep communicating to you!
For us, aircraft is the safest means of transport in the world, which is the case in sum... However, we are far from doubting that there are not very clear and not very clear things that are tracing in our back, or lies (by omission) of which we are a victim. A lot of things we don’t know have recently been unveiled by air hostess, stewards, pilots, and airport employees. This post is not at all a blow of mouth, on the contrary, it’s rather funny... finally everything will depend on your own idea by reading the secrets below.
Did you know?
1. During a air crash , you're more likely to survive if you're in eco class.
2. Toilet tap water is really dirty, never drink it. Even when you “wash” your hands, it’s dirty.
3. The air in the cabin can make you sick. It’s due to aerotoxic syndrome . The air actually comes from the engines.
4. Some airport staff drink your confiscated alcohol.
5. Emergency landings arrive all the time (the London Heathrow airport already records 1 per week).
6. You probably never experienced “strong” turbulence. It is called “strong turbulence” when the plane drops by 30 meters. A pilot testified that in 10,000 hours of flights, it had to be 5 minutes in total.
7. 50% of pilots asleep in the middle of the flight .
8. You can buy lost baggage. Held for 90 days, unclaimed baggage are sold and the money is sent to charitable works.
9. Your lifejacket might not be under your seat... Indeed, some passengers fly .
10. If the food served on board to a bad taste, it is for one reason: pressurization makes you lose 30% of your gustative abilities (and also hearing).
Flickr – Luke Lai
11. An aircraft is on average struck by lightning every 1,000 hours of flight, or about twice a year for a commercial aircraft.
12. It is possible to be upgraded by air especially after takeoff... Just ask nicely. Before taking off, it’s harder. You must be a regular customer, travel on a line where there is always a lot of people, travel alone, or have a good reason (honeymoon, be pregnant, etc...).
13. If the four engines fail, you can still survive. At an altitude of 9 km, an aircraft can fly up to 160 km without its engines on. The pilot can therefore attempt to land without too much damage.
14. Airlines handle flight schedules to improve punctuality. For example, a company may indicate that the flight will take 2 hours for a real journey of 1h45 min.
15. It is impossible to open the aircraft door during a flight. Cabin pressure is too important compared to external pressure.
Flickr – Tab59
16. We will not tell you if the plane will crash. Pilots only tell passengers what they want in order not to frighten them. You will never hear “Ladies and gentlemen, our plane has an engine failure, but we can fly without for 160 km, no problem”...
17. You can unlock the toilets of an outdoor plane. Usually there is a hidden unlocking mechanism behind the "non-smoker" badge on the door. Just lift the flap up and drag the lock to unlock. We can also have fun shooting the loquet with its finger.
18. The blankets you are given have not always been washed. It is therefore possible that someone sneezed in...
19. The captain is allowed to arrest you in the middle of the flight. When the doors are closed, the pilot has almost all rights. He can fine you, arrest you, and even note the will of a dying person!
20. Handles are located near the door in case someone drops from the plane (and in case the door was badly closed).
21. You can ask for an entire can of the drink you choose. Instead of taking a simple cup, kindly ask the whole canette.
22. Oxygen masks are used to breathe only 15 minutes (around), while the pilot takes the aircraft to a breathable level.
Flickr – miikkahoo
23. Sometimes the onboard staff wait a bit before serving your meal in the hope that you have already fallen asleep.
24. We serve each of the two pilots a different meal in case one of them falls ill.
25. The hostess or the steward who told you to turn off your mobile phone probably does not respect this rule itself.
26. During the night flights, the staff turns off the lights not to let you sleep but in case the plane would crash so that you are already accustomed to darkness.
27. In bad weather, pilots often land on the runway to prevent aquaplaning. This is no other than a “controlled crash”.
28. About the phones: it really bothers the pilot when the hundred phones on board make interference with the pilot's radio...
29. Your checked baggage is treated as simple bags: the staff must fill a container of more than 100 bags, it will not fit them perfectly one after the other... If you have a "fragility" label, it will be treated hard, but if you have a sticker "I ♥ bagagists", it will be treated well!
30. Many commercial flights carry human organs.
Bonus 31. If there are still ashtrays in the toilet, it is because the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) requires it. Although it is forbidden to smoke, the passengers who would still decide to do it will be less tempted to throw the cigarette butt in the trash or anywhere...
- What is the use of the small hole on the aircraft portholes?
- Why do you always have to lift the window store before takeoff and landing?
Sources: reddit , telegraph , huffington post
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