A road trip to Portugal, between Porto and Lisbon? Here are the neighborhoods to sleep in Coimbra!
Located between Lisbon and Porto Coimbra is a traditional university town in the centre of Portugal and has 143,396 inhabitants, for about 220,000 inhabitants throughout the urban area. We had been there on a trip to Portugal and had been seduced by the tranquility and apparent ease of this city. Coimbra is home to the oldest university in the country and is one of the oldest in Europe with the Sorbonne (France), Bologna (Italy), Oxford (England) and Salamanca (Spain). The number of students perpetuates the traditions that are referred to here as “ praxe”, a Portuguese academic tradition celebrated to celebrate academic baptisms and the integration of students. Ripped by the rio Mondego, the city is a few kilometers from the seaside resort of Figueira da Foz, 200 kilometers from Lisbon and 100 kilometers from Porto. Many places and cultural monuments are enclosed. As in all student cities, it will also not be expensive to stay in Coimbra.
Accommodation in Coimbra ensures a disbursement but it is best to come outside the examination periods. Here is our presentation of the neighborhoods where to stay in Coimbra.
High town

Photo credit: Flickr – Sérgio Santos
Hanging on a rocky grove named “Alcaçova hill”, the old town that is named Almedina, is in height. It will be necessary to arm themselves with good shoes because the old town is an entanglement of old streets connected to the famous stairs, the “ Quebra-Costas squads » (literally, the "break-dos stairways"). Roman, then Muslim in the 8th century, Coimbra was also an important religious and political centre. In the 12th century Coimbra became the first capital of the country: in fact, the city formed the main political, scientific, artists and religious men of Portugal. The new cathedral of Coimbra (1598) – ancient baroque church – and the old cathedral (Romantic style), built between 1146 and 1218: two architectural wonders.
In the old town are the Tower of the University, the arcs and the Gate D’almedina, the Ferrea Gate, and the church of Santa Cruz. Museums, bars and restaurants sprinkle the paved... and stairs. At the top of these, the university complex is unveiled with the magnificent library of Coimbra. Finally, the Botanical Garden of the city offers a lung of greenery of 13 hectares in the heart of Coimbra.
Find a hotel in the high city
Lower town

Photo credit: Flickr – ines s.
Nommed In Baixa, the lower town is the modern part of Coimbre, on the other side of the Mondego. It is historically the merchant district. Don't miss visiting the Monastery of Santa-Clara-a-Velha, a 13th century building near the theme park " Portugal dos Pequenitos “, tracing the great events of Portugal’s history in miniature. If you come in May and June, you will not miss the party Queima das Fitas, a large open-air student festival where students scroll on huge tanks. with a typical suit, complete black for boys, black tailor for girls, tie and black cape. Many green spaces are located near the docks to relax. On the other hand, there will be less hotels to stay in the low city, and less monuments to visit.
Find a hotel in the heart of the low city
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