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Full guide to travel to Greenland

Are you dreaming of white immensities? We invite you to discover Greenland, covered by the second largest ice field on the planet.

Immense island, which could contain more than three times the France , Greenland is covered by a polar cap, about 80% of its surface. Although it is part of the North American tectonic plate, it is attached to the European continent at the administrative level.

For a long time uninhabited, he first served as a hunting ground for Inuit from the North. We find traces of their passage throughout the coast, dating from -2500 BC. First Inuit of the Canada , to be settled sustainably, did so on the occasion of the global warming of the tenth century. At the same time, Scandinavian browsers reported having seen new lands in the west of Iceland . Norwegian Erik the Red, banished from Iceland around 970 AD, installs the first colony south of the island. The Scandinavians will thrive there until the end of the 14th century, then abandon it during the small glacial age . In 1721, the Danes sent an exploration mission and gave Greenland the status of a colony, which he retained until 1953. Having become an overseas territory, then a self-governing community, Greenland remains attached to Denmark , while withdrawing from the European Union.

Ready to board for one of the best trips of your life? It falls well, we have concocted a list of things to do in Greenland! Come on, follow the guide!

Why travel to Greenland?

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Photo credit: Shutterstock / Max Forgues

Visiting Greenland is going to meet a breathtaking nature, punctuated with glacial immenities, deep fjords and icebergs. There are few places, a few hours away from the flight Paris , where it is possible to close these huge ice blocks.

Greenland is also discovering a unique culture: that of the Inuit, who have been masters in the art of survival in extreme conditions. They still represent almost 90% of the population. If they have adopted the European way of life, they have nevertheless retained many of their customs. In the summer, it is not uncommon to see a deserted village, because men go hunting for a week or more. They will thus constitute food reserves, for the long winter months to come.

In the midst of this nature, intact on the largest part of the country, you will be surprised by the silence that reigns, barely disturbed by the craquements of glaciers or the songs of whales. So special wildlife is another reason to travel to Greenland. Whales will certainly be at the rendezvous, just like seals or bits. On the ground, muskoxen or reindeer are occupying the ground, just like the Arctic hare and the fox. And, who knows, maybe see a polar bear during a cruise.

Wild aurora enthusiasts will find in Greenland many opportunities to observe them, for much of the year.

What's the best time to go to Greenland?

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Photo credit: Shutterstock / Incredible Arctic

Choose the best time to go to Greenland will depend on several factors:

  • If your goal is to see boreal aurora or to do sled dog, it's the winter months should be preferred. The Northern Lights are mainly observed between October and March, although it is possible to see from August and April. For sled dogs, it is between February and April.
  • The temperature range in Greenland ranges from -50° to +20°. It depends, of course, on the latitude you find yourself and the period of the year. It is above all in the north, beyond the 75th parallel, that they can reach these extremes. Further south, temperatures range from -6° to +7° average.
  • The polar night (when the sun does not exceed the horizon) lasts three and a half months Qaanaaq (near Thulé), between October and February, a month and a half to Ilulissat, between December and mid-Januarybut does not exist in Nuuk, the capital. In the middle of winter, however, you will only have a little more than 4 hours of clarity.
  • Given the size of the country, the summer period is longer in the south and you can consider exploring kayak fjords from June to September. If you choose to visit Greenland during the summer, prefer Augustto avoid the many mosquitoes present in June and July.

How do I get to Greenland?

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Photo credit: Shutterstock / wildestanimal

To get to Greenland, you can use a specialized tour operator. You can also visit Greenland during a cruise. This can be done from Canada, Ireland or the Scandinavian countries. However, it is the cruises from Iceland that will allow you to have the most complete overview of Greenland.

If you prefer to organize the trip yourself, you will have to take the plane, because no regular ferry links the coasts of Greenland to its neighbours. Although the country has just over 55,000 inhabitants, distributed in about 74 cities and villages, it is well equipped at airports and heliports. There is a good reason for this: there are no earthly ways to connect the different towns. There are, however, only two international airports capable of hosting wholesale carriers: Kangerlussuaq and Narsarsuaq . Currently, however, only two companies serve them:

  • Air Greenland, from Copenhagen
  • Air Iceland, from Reykjavik
  • For the other airports, it'll be a propeller plane.

In order to optimize your journey to and from Greenland, you will first need to determine the cities you want to visit. The most common destinations are:

  • IlulissatIn Disko Bay.
  • Nuukthe capital and Narsarsuaq, to the south.

They both have direct flights some days of the week, or depending on the seasons. For example, it is possible to connect Reyjavik to Ilulissat during the summer months only. To build your trip, think about using our flight comparison: Ulysses , not hesitating to check the multi-destination box. You can land in Ilulissat and leave Nuuk, for example. Between the two, you have the choice between an internal flight, the coastal ferry, which serves the cities of the coast once a week, or private boats.

What budget is there to go to Greenland?

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The transport budget

Greenland is a destination . The largest expenditure post is usually the budget . Depending on the time you go to Greenland and the date you buy your tickets, the price can oscillate between €1,500.00 and €2,000 per person per trip . You will then have to add to this budget the cost of the internal journeys, by boat, plane or helicopter. For example, the Ilulissat/Nuuk (38h) double cabin ride on the Arctic Umiaq Line boat cost 430€ for two in September 2019. You can use Ulysses to get the ticket price for the same trip.

Budget accommodation

The second post of expenditure is accommodation. It represents about 50% of the budget on site, if you travel in tourist mode, i.e. in hotels of small and medium category. All accommodation offers are represented, from the economic hotel to the luxury suite, to the living room, the apartments, the hotels of all categories. If you plan to camp, it won't cost you anything, camping being allowed – respecting the rules of common sense, of course.

Here are some examples of prices in Nuuk or Ilulissat:

  • From 60€ per night in Nuuk, for a bedroom or a dorm bed in a hostel hotel or a bed & breakfast
  • Environ 150€ per night for an apartment for two people in Ilulissat
  • From 180€ to 345€ double room with breakfast

The offer is limited, we recommend that you book very long in advance (more than 6 months before), in order to choose the best value for money.

Exit budget

Then come the budget out. The prices of activities range from 40€ to 350€, and even 1 500€ for one trek on the polar cap.

Food budget

  • The food budget comes last, if you cook yourself.
  • Otherwise, for a speciality plate, in a high-end restaurant, you must count from 30€ to 60€ per person.
  • For a restaurant type pizzeria or fast-food, between 10€ and 20€.
  • In the supermarkets of the big cities there are catering rays, where you can eat for less than 10€. The price of food races is slightly higher than in France, in the most populous places. Supply is more difficult and prices higher in small villages, especially in the east.

In summary, we can spend a week in Greenland, off-flight, for about 1000€ per person , with some exits and cooking. This figure must be doubled if you opt for hotel room accommodation and meals at the restaurant.

What to do in Greenland?

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Photo credit: Shutterstock / Song_about_summer

Greenland is rather a destination for adventurers, even if you find it easy to take care without treks. For a week, it is possible to do only the bay of Disko, for example, or a kayak trip in one of the fjords. In two weeks, one or two other destinations can be added, such as the capital, the south or possibly the east.


  • Opportunities treks are very numerous in Greenland. Between a day or a week, or even two or more, there is something to satisfy the most demanding. We have to get together, because the terrain is often difficult and the weather conditions are random. Some treks combine both walking and kayaking. The latter is a must-see activity in Greenland, because it originates from it.
  • Opportunities ski alpine are rare and rather confidential. On the other hand, it is very easy to find a station to practice cross-country skiing. Another option is to go hiking accompanied, over several days, with pulka, skis or snowshoes and go to the discovery of l’Inlandsis For example.
  • Walking in sled dogs or snowmobiles.
  • small hiking, to discover the vegetation of the tundra and superb views of the Baffin Sea, fjords or icebergs.

Places and monuments to see

More than places, these are unique landscapes that can be visited in Greenland.

  • The villages, which grow along the narrow rocky strip, have their particular character, but it is especially fjords, glaciers and tundra that hold attention.
  • The Bay of Disko is, without a doubt, the most popular place and the one that offers the most discovery activities.
  • The capital, Nuuk, welcomes the national museum, an indispensable one to better know the history of the country, while Ilulisat devotes one to the explorer Knud Rasmussen.
  • The most important monuments in Greenland? Unquestionably, icebergs, whales and Northern Lights!

What specialties eat in Greenland?

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Photo credit: Shutterstock / Francesco Dazzi

Except in the south, cultivable land is very rare in Greenland. Vegetables and fruits are imported and depend on the weather, which allows, or not, boats to bring the supply.

Traditionally, the basis of Greenland food is made of meat and fish. Greenland is one of the few countries authorized to hunt the whale, with quotas for each species. It is reserved for domestic consumption and is often found on the menu of restaurants. The most commonly served dish consists of a plate based on reindeer meat or smoked whale, lamb, fish, shrimp.

You can also try local specialties, such as:

  • Igunaq, pieces of meat wrapped in fat and preserved in the skin of the animal, until they are done.
  • The dish not to be missed is the Suaasat, a very complete soup, based on seal meat, with onions and rice. The seal can be replaced by reindeer, muskox (in fact a large goat), whale or seabirds. The dishes are usually scented by local herbs.
  • In summer, you can enjoy bays camarine, kind of blueberry.

How are tourists welcomed in Greenland?

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Photo credit: Shutterstock / Chris Christophersen

Tourists are well received in Greenland because they represent a significant source of income. However, massive arrivals, such as those of cruise ship travellers, are not without a problem, especially on supplies. Most tourism organizations are managed by Danish staff, rather than Inuit.

The absence of secondary schools in isolated villages often leads the premises to drop out of school as soon as they were 16 years old. They hesitate to leave their village for a boarding school in a larger city. Accordingly, few of them master the English language and they are reluctant to engage in a conversation. They will not hesitate, however, to provide you with help, by using gestures.

You need one. passport to visit Greenland?

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Photo credit: Shutterstock – REDPIXEL.PL

Some sites indicate that a valid identity card is sufficient to enter Greenland. However, if we refer to Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark website In France, the passport is indeed mandatory to enter the territory of Greenland. Indeed, although attached to Denmark, Greenland is not part of the EU, nor of the Schengen area.

If you want to visit the Thulé military base, you will need to obtain a government authorization.

You need one. Travel insurance ?

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Photo credit: Shutterstock – 279photo Studio

Medical care is not free for foreigners and the European health insurance card is of no use in Greenland. Check with your credit card insurance that it coverage of local care and repatriation from Greenland. Given the lack of infrastructure, it can be extremely expensive.

In doubt, don’t hesitate to contract travel insurance , especially if you do kayaking or treks. The oragnisators often ask you.

What equipment does he have in his luggage?

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Photo credit: Shutterstock / Tomas Zavadil

Given the harsh climate conditions, it is necessary to equip yourself to visit Greenland. You will have to plan:

  • Several layers hot clothes, that you will put and remove at the mercy of the weather. Thermal underwear, T-shirt, sweater or fleece jacket, parka, trousers and raincoat, hat or cap, gloves.
  • De good waterproof shoes, preferably rising to keep the ankle well. Lands are crashed.
  • One anti-sealing cream and an anti-moustic net for the face; you will find on site at a modest price.
  • One sunscreen and sunglasses
  • Dude material to be directed : GPS pedestrian, compass, map type staff. Trails are rarely marked
  • For those who plan to camp, foresee one waterproof tent and sleeping bags resistant to high negative temperatures.

Editorial advice

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Photo credit: Shutterstock / Nicolaj Larsen

Travelling to Greenland is flexible. The weather can suddenly change and prevent a boat from leaving or a plane from taking off.

  • So... two or three days of margin compared to your return to France.
  • Position the city of the return airport (Ilulissat, Kangerlussuaq, Narsarquaq, Nuuk...) for the end of the trip. Do not hesitate to juggle between different possibilities to build your journey in an optimized way. Flights and passages are not daily.
  • To reduce the cost of your flight ticket, you can choose to reach Copenhagen or Reykjavik using a low-cost airline. In any case, think about book very long in advance, to benefit from the best prices and choose your dates.
  • Likewise, do not take the information at the foot of the letter: the boat to take will not necessarily arrive at the hour, the taxi ordered either... Greenlanders have the habit of adapting to situations and the notion of imperative is rather foreign to them!

A few words to communicate:

  • Haluu For hello.
  • Qujanaq (pronounced [Gro-ya-naq]) for thank you.
  • Aaapi (pronounced [Aab-bi] for yes.
  • Naamik No.
  • Greenland says Kalaallit Nunaat [Ga-laad-lit No-naat].

Good stay!

Ethan Wright

Ethan Wright

I'm Ethan Wright, a passionate traveler captivated by the world's beauty. Life's journey is my greatest inspiration, teeming with breathtaking moments, from hiking through pristine wilderness to immersing myself in vibrant cultures. Each destination has its unique charm, and I'm here to share those stories with you. Through my narratives, I aim to ignite your wanderlust, offering insights, tips, and the sheer thrill of exploration. Let's embark on this incredible odyssey together, unveiling the world's hidden treasures and creating lasting memories that define our shared journey.

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