Paris, New York, London... What are the nicknames of the world's most famous cities? You certainly know a few!
Home Wanderlix We like nicknames. In the case of people, nicknames define us better than our names and names, they are ingenious and funny, and they tell so many things about our personality and sometimes about our physical aspect (unfortunately).
The nicknames are part of our daily life in many aspects. We give nicknames to people, animals and objects because nicknames generally reflect much more their true qualities and characteristics. Many of the world's most famous cities are no exception to the nickname rule. You certainly know some of the most famous cities, but there is still a lot to know.
On the Internet, there are a lot of lists with nicknames given to cities, but this is a complete enough with the most important cities in the world!
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Cities nicknames
1. Name of Paris – La Ville Lumière, La Ville de l’amour, La ville aux cent villages
2. Name of Prague – The city with a hundred bells, The Golden City, The Mother of Cities
3. New York nickname – Big Apple
4. Name of Las Vegas – Sin City
5. Chicago nickname – The city of the winds
6. Name of Vancouver – Hollywood North, The Big Smoke
7. Name of Montreal – The city with 100 bell towers, North America’s Amsterdam
8. Name of Los Angeles – The city of the angels
9. Name of New Orleans – The Big Easy
10. Nickname of Philadelphia – The City of Brotherly Love, Philly
11. Name of Amsterdam – North Venice
12. Name of Venice – The Serene, The City of Doges, The City of Lovers
13. Vienna nickname – Imperial, The Capital of Music
14. London nickname – The Great fog (Old Smoke), The City-Monde, The Melting English pot
15. Name of Detroit – Motor City (City of Engine)
16. Name of Miami – Magic City, Door of the Americas
17. Name of Memphis – The Bluff City, The River City
18. Name of Petra – The city of rose sandstone
19. Name of Pittsburgh – The city of steel
20. nickname of Rome – The eternal city, the city with seven hills, the holy city
21. Seattle nickname – The Emerald City
22. Nickname of Bucharest – Le Petit Paris des Balkans
23. Name of Florence – The City of Lys, The Capital of Arts
24. Name of Barcelona – The Comtal City, The City of Gaudi
25. Name of Budapest – The pearl of the Danube
26. Toronto nickname – The Queen City, Toronto the Wise, Hogtown (because of her slaughter, hog "swine")
27. Dublin nickname – The city with a thousand and a colorful gate, The beautiful city
28. Name of Jerusalem – The Holy City, The City of Copper and Gold
29. Boston nickname – The Hub, Beantown, The Walking City (the pedestrian city)
30. Name of San Francisco – The City by the Bay (the city on the bay), Fog City (the city fog), Frisco
31. Moscow nickname – The Third Rome
32. Edinburgh – Auld Reekie (La vieux fumeuse), North Athens
33. Geneva nickname – The capital of peace, The smallest of the great capitals, Protestant Rome
34. Name of Rio de Janeiro – The wonderful city (A cidade maravilhosa)
35. Name of Salzburg – The Germanic Rome
36. Name of Bombay – Maximum City, The City of Dreams
37. Surname of Singapore – La Cité du Lion, La ville-jardin
38. nickname of Naples – The Parthenonean City, The City of the Sun
39. Bologna nickname – La Dotta, La Rossa, La Grassa (red, scholar and fat); The capital of the Tortellini, the city in the two Towers
40. Turin nickname – La Cité des Quatre Rivières, The Capital of the Automobile
41. Genoa nickname – La Superbe, L’Orgueilleuse
42. Name of Palermo – L’Heureuse
43. Name of Milan – The World Capital of Fashion, The Drinkable City
44. Name of Le Caire – Le Paris du Nil, La ville aux mille minarets
45. Name of Buenos Aires – The Paris of South America, The Queen of Plata
46. Name of Ushuaia – El Fin del Mundo (Le Bout du Monde)
47. Name of Melbourne – Paris des antipodes, Marvellous Melbourne
48. Name of Sydney – The Harbour City
50. Name of São Paulo – The Concrete Jungle, The Cité de la bruine, The locomotive of Brazil
51. Name of Dubrovnik – The pearl of the Adriatic
52. Name of Helsinki – The White City of the North
53. Surname of Bordeaux – World Wine Capital
54. Nickname of Nice – Nissa la bella, la Cité des Anges
55. Name of Berlin – The Grey City, The Bear City
56. Name of Jaipur – Pink town
57. Name of Oslo – The City of Tiger
58. Surname of Warsaw – Eastern Paris, The city-phenix
59. Name of St. Petersburg – Northern Venice
60. Name of Madrid – El Foro, (The Forum), The Royal City
61. Name of Athens – The city of the violet crown, The cradle of Western civilization, The city of Athena
62. Name of Dallas – Big D
63. Hong Kong nickname – The Pearl of the East
64. Name of Munich – The city in the heart, The secret capital of Germany
65. Name of Birmingham – The workshop of the world, the city with thousand trades, The second city
66. Lisbon nickname – The white city, The big lettuce, The city of Ulysses, The queen of the Tage, The city in thousand colors
67. Name of The Hague – The City of Peace and Justice
68. Nickname of Calcutta – The City of the Palaces, The City of Love, The City of Joy
69. Name of Beijing – The city in the eternal spring, The Forbidden City
70. Name of Adelaide – The city of churches
71. Name of Zagreb – La petite Vienne
72. Surname of Bruges – Northern Venice
73. Name of Marseille – The City of Phocean
74. nickname of Tel Aviv – La Ville Sans Pause
75. Name of Bolzano – The door to the Dolomites, German/Germanian, The Capital of the Alps
76. nickname of Sanremo – The City of Flowers, The City of Dreams
77. Tivoli nickname – The city of delights
78. nickname of Vicence – The City of Gold
79. Name of Kuala Lumpur – The golden triangle
80. Surname of Montpellier – Overdue
81. Name of Tijuana – World Television Capital
82. Name of Rotterdam – Manhattan on the Meuse
83. Lima nickname – The city of kings ("La Ciudad de los Reyes")
84. Name of Manila – City by the Bay, La Perle de l’Orient
85. nickname of Porto – The undefeated
86. Name of Cadiz – The small cup of money
87. Name of Bilbao – El Botxo » (the hollow)
88. Name of Zurich – Economic Capital
89. Kiev nickname – The mother of all Russian cities
90. Name of Honolulu – Sheltered Bay
91. Nickname of Macau – The Queen of games, The Hell of the game
92. Name of Wrocław – Polish Venice
93. Name of Beirut – Paris of the East, The city that refuses to disappear, The city that does not die
94. Surname of Lyon – The capital of Gauls, The world capital of gastronomy, The city of the gone
95. Surname of Avignon – The City of the Popes
96. Tehran nickname – The city of 72 nations
97. Surname of Toulouse – The Pink City, The City of Purples
98. Name of Leipzig – Petit Berlin, Hypezig, Petit Paris
99. Nantes - The City of Dukes, The Venice of the West
100. Nickname of Grenoble – La Capitale des Alpes
101. Name of Belgrade – The Balkan Berlin
102. Name of Brussels – The Washington of Europe
103. Name of Marrakech – The Red City
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