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Air controllers' strike: How to get his flight compensated?

Following a strike by air traffic controllers, was your aircraft delayed or cancelled? Find out how to get a flight compensation.

If leaving on holiday is always very expected, the disappointments are much less pleasant. Because of a strike by air traffic controllers, your flight must be delayed or cancelled? The strikes remain one of the main reasons for delay or cancellation of aircraft in France. As a result, the law allows for compensation. Discover your rights and how to get a flight compensation.

In the event of a strike: Should I go to the airport?

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Photo credit: Shutterstock – NicoElNino

Yes, he's staying. necessary to be present at the time of registration, especially if the strike turns out to be short. Indeed, it should be noted that if the airline puts another flight at your disposal and that you are not aware of it, Lose then any claim. Certainly, if the waiting stays long in the event of a strike, it would be a shame not to take advantage of it.

What does the law say in terms of flight compensation after a strike?

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Photo credit: Shutterstock – Fabien Monteil

Airline staff strikes are for pilots, flight preparers, commercials and handlers. For these staff strikes, you can then pretend To get you compensation.

But some cases are considered extraordinary for the European Regulation. Thus, the Air controller strikes , personnel of Security or Customs would not necessarily hold the company as responsible. This pattern is also valid for problems related to Weather like lightning or wind gusts.

General compensation due to air strike

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Photo credit: Shutterstock – Alina Rosanova

In general, because of a strike, compensation must be payable. If a flight is cancelled because of a strike that the company is not responsible, you cannot claim compensation. If you are notified at least two weeks before the date of departure, you cannot be compensated.

Thus, if a staff strike is announced five days before departure, each passenger may be compensated for their flight. On the other hand, if staff members start their strike 16 days before your departure, it’s different. You can't claim a flight compensation. In this case, the airline is not considered responsible. The law indeed considers that the passenger was able to make his provisions. The strike then began more than two weeks before the date of the flight.

Possible compensation for air traffic strike

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If the air traffic controllers strike, they must, among other things, respect a minimum service. However, many flights are subject to changes or cancellations. For this exceptional circumstance, compensation is not provided.

However, according to the company, compensation for his flight could be possible. This is the case often for more than three hours of delay, a missed stopover or a cancelled flight. Therefore, you can still try to get you compensated. Although the air controller strike is one of the main grounds for refusal, you can receive compensation.

Flight compensation terms

For this flight compensation to be valid, your flight must take off from one of the European airports . If not, the site must be managed by a European company. Clearly, it is necessary to land in Europe to compensate its flight.

How long to claim compensation?

Know that flight compensation remains valid, regardless of the price of the flight ticket. You have five years to claim this right, whether your flight is for an accredited or professional trip.

Possible compensation after the strike

Claims for compensation for flight compensation are broad. If the strike is not yet pronounced in the airline but your flight cancels, you have the same rights. The airline must pay you compensation from 250€ to 600€ depending on the flight distance.

In this way, you can also claim flight compensation if this delay happens after the strike. Indeed, if this delay occurs when the planes gradually resume their flights, you are entitled to compensation. In general, compensation for the flight is also possible when you are denied boarding after a strike.

The nature of the flight delay

To make his flight compensate, learn about it nature of delay to the airline. In particular, European regulations provide for compensation in the amount that can range from 250€ to 600€ . This amount is due, unless the company shows that measures are implemented to avoid disruption.

If the delay is due to the air traffic strike, this allowance may not be valid. Indeed, this cause is one of the exceptional cases, often excluded from compensation. Yet this decision is up to every company.

Even if you have the confirmation that the social movement of the controllers remains the cause of your delay, gather the elements for the compensation request.

Allow the flight to the expected distance

Your flight has just been delayed or cancelled due to the staff strike? Know that as a general rule, the amount to compensate the flight is the flight distance .

Attention: the air controllers’ strike may be a refusal of a flight compensation agreement. Indeed, this strike is part of the exceptional events excluded mainly from the device. However, for major delays, exceptions are made.

Well framed amounts

For a delay, cancellation or denial of boarding following a staff strike, you can claim:

  • 250€ for a flight of up to 1500 km. This is, for example, an application for flight compensation, for a flight trip Lyon to Marseille for example;
  • 400€ for a flight of up to 3500 km. This is, for example, a flight of Toulouse to Athens ;
  • 600€ for a longer journey, from 3500 km. If your flight runs a long distance, you can claim to touch that amount.

Company duties in the event of delay or cancellation

The airline must assistance to its passengers in case of cancelled or missed flights. Thus, it must accompany passengers throughout their waiting period. Overall, it has to put in place good meals to eat on site. The company must facilitate the taking of another flight or offer the customer to sleep at the hotel if necessary.

Comptroller's Strike: What to Do for Flight Compensation?

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Photo credit: Shutterstock – hbw_pictures

For a flight compensation, put all chances on your side.

Keep proof of purchase

Therefore, keep the proof of purchases inherent in this air traffic strike. For example, food proofs, drinks, snacks or any additional nights at the airport must be kept.

This evidence will be able to return to your compensation file, in addition to the bill amounts. So, of course, keep the vouchers and proof of purchase of aeroplane tickets.

How do I get compensation?

If you change your flight related to the controller strikes, send a letter of compensation to the carrier. The letter must leave as recommended, with acknowledgement of receipt.

If you judge the non-sufficient answer or if the company refuses to compensate you, you can make an appeal. Obviously, it is then with the Civil Aviation Branch (DGAC) you'll have to turn. This procedure must then concern denied boarding, cancellations or significant delays. For a flight compensation, you can also apply to the court.

Here you are prepared in case of aisles related to your flight. Nevertheless, let us pray that this is not the case!

Grace Robinson

Grace Robinson

I'm Grace Robinson, an explorer enchanted by the world's hidden treasures. Life is an endless journey, filled with unforgettable moments, from sunrise vistas to cultural immersion. Each destination is a chapter in my story, and I'm here to share those tales with you. Through my writings, I aim to kindle your wanderlust, offering insights, guidance, and the pure joy of discovery. Together, let's embark on this extraordinary odyssey, unraveling the mysteries and beauty of our diverse planet.

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