
In which quarter house in Lima?
In which quarter house in Lima?

Are you planning a trip to the colorful capital of the peru? Discover our selection of the best areas to stay in lima.

Visit the former pre-Columbian city of Caral from Lima
Visit the former pre-Columbian city of Caral from Lima

Visit the old Caral City in the Peru: at the beginning of lima, discover the history of this place alongside a specialized guide!

The 11 essential things to do in Lima
The 11 essential things to do in Lima

Would you like to go to the discovery of the southern america? Here is one of the most beautiful cities to make of the continent: lima, the capital of the Peruvian!

Visit the archaeological site of Pachacamac near Lima
Visit the archaeological site of Pachacamac near Lima

Visit pachacamac: go to the discovery of one of the oldest archaeological sites of the peru during a day from lima!