Are you going to stay in Russia soon and want to get acquainted with the language? Here are 28 Russian phrases to help you understand and be understood.
Your plane ticket to Russia is reserved? It is then time to prepare your trip now, and it passes through the practice of the language. As you know, the Russians have a different language and accent from what you can hear elsewhere in the world.
To familiarize yourself with Russian, we have prepared you, in addition to basic expressions, a small guide of 8 phrases to learn: a kind of survival kit where there are local politeness formulas and expressions. To complete your practice, consider taking with you a dictionary or other support (we have selected some), they will be useful to you during your stay!
1. Basic expressions
To simplify the task and help you in the pronunciation of the Russian language, Wanderlix has retransscribed the Cyrillic alphabet in the Latin alphabet, and emphasized the sharpened vowels!
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2. Давай / Давайте – Davaï / Davaïté
In the literal sense, this phrase means "giving or giving", but it is used to say "we go", "Let's go." It is one of the Russian expressions to know. Beware, the word " давай" is used to speak to someone you kill and " давайте" marks a distance, so it is used with a person you see.
3. Mожно – Mojna
This little word is used a lot in Russia. It will allow you to request permission to do something to your interlocutor and usually place at the end of the sentence. It is translated as "may I?", "Can I?". Example: You need a pen on your neighbour’s table, you’ll use the word “можно” to ask him if it doesn’t bother him.
4. Вы выходите ? – Vy Vykhoditié?
You will often hear this expression during your trip, and especially if you take public transport to get around. The locals use it to ask “will you go out to the next station? If the metro is very crowded and they want to get ahead to get out. If this is not the case, leave a little room for them to get out of the row.
5. Kто последний – Kto poslednii
If you hear this Russian expression, don’t be surprised. There is not really a literal translation if it is “who is the last?”. Indeed, in Russia, the premises are respectful to each other and even more when it comes to tailings. No one will take someone else’s place. Example: You’re in a store and there’s a long queue for the test booths or the crate but you don’t know who to put you behind. So you will be able to say "Kто последний" to insert yourself in the queue.
6. Хорошо – Haracho
You'll hear it all right. This little word simply means "good." It is here to mark its agreement with the interlocutor. It is also used in the literal sense, to say that you are well or that you speak well Russian, for example.
7. Вообще – Vaobshie
Just like xорошо , вообще is one of the most used Russian words in conversations between the premises. In French, it means "in fact".
8. Серьёзно? - SérioZna? / Правда – Pravda
These expressions mean “serious?” and mark astonishment. These are the words to use if you want to show your abilities in Russian! Example: A Russian tells you a story, and you can't believe it. So you will use the word "cерьёзно" for example, to show him how surprised you are.
How to learn other expressions and vocabulary in Russian?
Before you fly to Russia, you will have to arm yourself with patience and work on your Russian vocabulary. Indeed, it is not the easiest language to learn, but today many books and materials allow you to make progress in just a few weeks. To do this, I advise you to take a look at the supports below:
- I speak Russian - The Russian for the Nuls - Assimil – Russian without pain
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