We could name them the 7 wonders of the unknown world... these buildings are remarkable on the historical and architectural plane!
While there are different rankings that allow you to regroup the most incredible monuments on Earth, whether the 7 ancient or modern wonders, the choice is difficult to make when you see the cultural wealth of the countries. In fact, if the world heritage of humanity makes it possible to erase some forgotten ones, we wanted to create our own list of wonders and, in our view, these 7 buildings in the world deserve to be classified!
7. The temple Angkor Wat (Cambodia)
Angkor is an archaeological site of Cambodia composed of a set of ruins and hydraulic landscaping. Angkor Wat is one of the largest temples in this complex but also the best preserved. It is a matter of pride in Cambodians because of its beauty and symbolic importance. Its size is also illustrated by the many bas-reliefs on the façade.

Photo credit: Wikimedia – Bjørn Christian Tørrissen
6. Derawar Fort (Pakistan)
The Derawar Fort is in the middle of the desert in Pakistan. It is a large fortress that measures 30 meters high and extends over a very important distance (a circumference of 1500 meters). To access it, you must have a special authorization, but you can still observe these different towers for kilometers in the round.

Photo credit: CWikimedia – Jazibsaeed
5. Monuments of Stonehenge (England)
Stonehenge is a monument made up of several large stones. They were put in place by Man while he had neither mortar nor cement to hold the structure. Its originality comes from the fact that stones are large circular shapes: many visitors go there every year to discover its riches.

Photo credit: Wikimedia – Garethwiscombe
4. The temple of Borobudur (Indonesia)
The temple of Borobudur is a religious building located in the center of the island of Java in Indonesia. It is both a sanctuary but also a place of pilgrimage for Buddhists. From the sky, the geometric structure looks like a giant mandala. The galleries present bas-reliefs that tell the story full of wisdom of the spiritual leader Buddha.

Photo credit: Pixabay – Moslem_alit0
3. The Great Mosque of Djenné (Mali)
The Great Mosque of Djenné is located in the central part of Mali. This monument is a major achievement because it is the largest building in the world in raw earth. Every year, the inhabitants must protect it with clay because the rainy season threatens each time the building, so the mosque has an important cultural aspect for the country.

Photo credit: Wikimedia - Andy Gilham
2. Chand Baori, well to degrees (India)
The Chand Baori is a wells as we often find it in India. Bâolis are built for religious reasons: the water is accumulated in this source to perform ritual baths. The walls of the well are arranged in the form of double stairs down to 30 meters below ground.

Photo credit: Flickr – Ramón
1. Easter Island (Chile)
Easter Island is isolated in the southeast of the Pacific Ocean. It is known especially for its moai, very impressive monumental statues. These monoliths are carved: one can see the detail of the fingers and their faces, some even wear a kind of hair. Between 2.5 and 9 meters high, they weigh between 14 and 18 tons which is considerable. We don't know exactly when these statues were built or even why.

Photo credit: Wikimedia – Makemake
And for you, what are the most beautiful wonders in the world?
- The 7 wonders of the ancient world: one always standing
- The 7 wonders of the modern world: monuments of the twentieth century
- The 7 wonders of nature: exceptional phenomena
- The 7 new wonders of the world elected by vote in 2007
Main photo credit: Pixabay – Moslem_alit0
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