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Top 12 prognostic animals

Inspire yourself to the animal instinct and predictions of these oracles animals for your sports betting: they predicted more or less just the results of the World Cup and Euro matches.

This article was updated on the occasion of the 2018 Football World Cup in Russia

The World Cup star in South Africa might not be the Spanish team. In 2010, Paul the Poulpe had acquired a world reputation after predicting correctly 8 games out of 8. Died in October 2010, the question of his succession did not have to wait as from the Euro 2012 as well as for the World Cup in Brazil 2014, other animals from all over the world found themselves powers worthy of the oracle!

Paul the octopus (World Cup 2010)

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Buy the Cat (World Cup 2018)

Buy the Cat, World Cup 2018 in Russia

According to Achille, Russia will defeat Saudi Arabia during the 2018 World Cup opening game. The cat, which is deaf, decided so by choosing the Russian bowl rather than the one representing Saudi Arabia.

Nelly the German elephant (Coupe du Monde 2010, Euro 2012)

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30 of 33 matches

Alf the English penguin (Coupe du Monde 2014)

Alf the penguin, predictions football

A team of poppies had the "heavy" task to predict the results of the 2014 World Cup matches. Among them, Alf, the "official wager", who lives at the Sea Life Centre in Birmingham, England.

Flopsy "Predictaroo" the Australian kangaroo (World Cup 2014)

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Mrs. Shiva the Swiss pig of India (Coupe du Monde 2014)

Mrs. Shiva, India pig, prognosis football

It was Switzerland that chose this animal in the black coat and white museau to shed light on the encounters of the “Nati”. Mrs. Shiva, India’s pig, predicted that Switzerland would win against France... missed!

Big head « Cabeçao » the Brazilian turtle (World Cup 2014)

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« Cabeçao » or « Grosse tête » in Portuguese is the chosen oracle of the host country Brazil. Thus, the turtle only predicts matches involving Brazil. While she had seen Brazil’s victory over Croatia, she was totally wrong about the next two matches: the victory of Mexico (it was a draw) and the draw between Brazil and Cameroon... (Brazilian vicar 4-1).

Shaheen the dromedary of Dubai (Coupe du Monde 2014)

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Fred le Furet Ukrainian (Euro 2012)

Fred the furet, predictions football Fred, a Ukrainian furet that was selected to determine the winners of the Euro 2012, makes his predictions by nibbling among a selection of dishes labeled on behalf of the country. Very cute, Fred has only a precision of about 60%.

Yvonne the German cow (Euro 2012)

Yvonne the cow, predictions football

Yvonne predicted Germany’s results during Euro 2012.

Chinese pandas (World Cup 2014)

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To express their predictions, these pandas choose between food baskets representing victory, defeat or draw. After correctly finding Brazil’s victory in the opening game, the predictions were stopped because, according to the spokesman of the Ying Mei research centre in China, there were risks that the pandas were oppressed by the cameras and the excited spectators.

Funtik the Ukrainian pig (Euro 2012)

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The devin, equipped with his groin, who lives in an enclosure in Kiev, Ukraine, became known when he correctly predicted four of the six games in group phase at the Euro 2012 football. Funtik makes his choice by selecting his food between the different bowls placed next to the flags of the adversary countries.

Who do you trust most? Do you know others?

Amelia Hall

Amelia Hall

I'm Amelia Hall, a curious soul on a perpetual quest for adventure. Life's journey is my muse, from traversing remote trails to immersing myself in local cultures. Each new destination unveils a unique story, and I'm here to narrate those tales for you. My aim is to awaken your wanderlust, sharing insights, tips, and the magic of exploration. Together, let's embark on this captivating odyssey, discovering the world's hidden gems and forging unforgettable memories.

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