Discovery of Scottish cuisine and gastronomy in three local dishes
When you think about the Scotland , we don't think about his gastronomy right away. And yet Scotland has several typical meals recognized. Whisky is certainly the most famous and imported product in the country, but Ecossaise cuisine is no less interesting. The traditional Scottish cuisine is mainly made up of copious dishes that allow us to face the harsh climate of winter, which Scotland knows.
There are a good number of meals made with local products, but a few get away from it, they are all the more known and tasted by tourists coming to discover the country.
Photo credit: Flickr – Tess Watson
In the plates, the traditional haggis is one of Scotland’s specialties. This typical meal composed of stuffed sheep panse is accompanied by potato purée called fieldit tatties and purée of turnips. The haggis is consumed throughout the year by a good number of Scots, but it is customary to taste the haggis on January 25, during the festive ritual in memory to the poet Robert Burns. So even if many strangers are sceptical to the idea of eating haggis, by its content, many will be delighted to hear that there is also a vegetarian version of this typical meal.
Photo credit: Flickr – Alpha
Let's talk about fish and chips Now. This fast food dish of British origin has become an unconditional Scottish cuisine. The fish and chips created at the time to eat on the thumb, imported all over the world and enjoyed real success. Originally erected in newspaper paper, to absorb all the fat, the fish and chips, composed of fries and fried fish, is now served and tasted in all the cities of Scotland and is an integral part of the local specialties that must be discovered at all costs during a trip to Scotland.
Photo credit: Flickr – Whitney
As for softness, they are also rich, creamy and succulent. We can't go by the side Millionaire’s Shortbread I don't want you to stay baba! This chocolate bar is a joyous mix of biscuits, caramels, peanuts and finally chocolates... More known in its industrial form ( Twix or Snickers ), the millionaire’s shortbread is THE dessert that will make your taste buds waltz.
Tasting these three typical Scottish meals is to taste the whole country. The different intoxicating flavours found in these traditional dishes represent the spirit of the country. Generosity, wealth and gustative surprise.
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