Building to connect two or more locations, bridges have never been so large. What are the greatest?
The oldest transportation structure in the world, the bridge has evolved well since its first iteration. From now on, suspensions in the void, shorts or longs, in wood, steel, aluminium and these buildings are bold for every new creation.
Without wanting to revisit the modern history of this structure, here are the 10 largest bridges in the world!
1. Danyang-Kunshan Bridge – China
Open to the public after 6 years of sustained work, the Danyant-Kushan is the largest bridge in the world. Linking cities Shanghai and Beijing , its construction would cost the Chinese taxpayer the equivalent of $8.5 billion. In the end it is 165 km.
The aim of the construction of this bridge was to reduce the congestion of the population of the urban area of the Chinese capital. Achieved since this building is home to more than 2 million people per day who take the road both by car and by train.
2. The Changkua-Kaohsing Bridge – Taiwan
Taiwan's Changkua-Kaohsing is the second largest bridge in the world with an estimated length of 157 km.
This bridge houses equipment used by Taiwan's high-speed train and connects the cities of Taipei and Kaohsiung.
3. Tianjin Bridge – China
Like the first, the third largest bridge in the world is in Chinese soil. This is the Tianjin bridge that measures 115 km in length. Its construction was completed in 2010 and connects the towns of Langfang and Qingxian via a fast track and a high speed train line.
It is by ricochet the third largest bridge in Asia.
4. Grand viaduct of Cangde – China
It is still in China that we find the 4th largest bridge in the world, which is no other than the Grand Viaduct of Cangde. A length of 105,810 metres, it was completed in 2010 and connects Beijing to Shanghai.
5. Grand viaduct of Weinan Weihe – China
Also in China, the Weinan Weihe is the 5th largest bridge in the world. The construction of this bridge was started in the 2000s and completed in 2008. Long 80 km, it crosses the Wei River, one of the largest in the world, connecting Zhengzhou and Xian .
6. The bridge Bang Na – Thailand
The 6th largest bridge in the world is incidentally the 6th largest bridge in Asia. It is located in Thailand and its construction would have required no less than a million cubic meters of concrete. Completed in 2000, Bang Na is 55 km.
7. Grand viaduct of Beijing – China
We return to China for our 7th largest bridge in the world. It is located in Beijing and not less than 50 km away. Its construction was completed in 2010.
8. Haiwan Bridge or Qingdao Bridge – China
The 8th largest bridge in the world is no other than the Haiwan Bridge, located in China. 41,850 meters long is also the longest maritime bridge in the world. The latter connects the city of Qingdao with its suburbs through the north of Jiaozhou Bay.
9. Pontchartrain Lake Bridge – United States
The first largest bridge in the non-Asian world is in the United States. This is the bridge of Pontchartrain Lake. Officially opened for traffic in 1956, this building was actually completed in 1969 for a total cost of $76 million.
To date, it is estimated that 12 million vehicles, preferably heavy vehicles, are transiting each year. The Pontchartrain Bridge is the seventh longest in the world.
This bridge drastically reduced the journey time between New Orleans and its urban area which made it the ideal candidate to be the effigy and reference of the American history of civil engineering.
10. Manchac Swamp Bridge – United States
The second largest bridge in the United States and the 10th largest bridge in the world, the Manchac Swamp is located in the state of Louisiana. Opened in 1979, the Manchac Swamp is 37 km.
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