The enchanting photos of the Castells, these human pyramids in Catalonia
Perched at the top of the top platform of a beante arena, the photographer David Oliete captures amazing human towers that can be composed of up to 500 people. These are the « Concurs de Castells » , the famous competition of the city Tarragona . Often measuring six to ten men of "high", the castell , whose name means "seat", is a treasure of Catalan heritage. ♪ castells were enrolled in UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage on 16 November 2010. This sport was invented Valls near Tarragona, Spain, in the late 1700s. Each human tower or pyramid is supposed to represent the virtues of “force, balance, courage and good sense”.
Aunt Concurs de Castells 32 teams (or glues ), compete to build the tallest and most complex tower. To be named victorious, each team must first form and dismantle the entire structure. Large and strong adults form the basis of the castell and the young children, with helmets, brave the summit. Once the last member is installed at the top of the tower, the person (a child therefore) raises four fingers, each representing a red strip of the Catalan flag . Traditionally, we play gralla , a Catalan instrument, and drummer to accompany the construction of castell .
In his breathtaking aerial photographs, David Oliete document this exciting sport. In bright colours and contrasting colours, it presents each team, each glues as a single organism, forming one body. These ropes, hands support hundreds of people. Below you will see a video of the event.
And here's the video:
Source: Feature Shoot
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