Would you like to visit Cordoba, the wonder of Andalusia, but without ruining yourself? It falls well: discover in this article 14 free activities and visits to Cordoba!
Ah, Andalusia! This region, bathed in sunshine, rich in various influences (greco-Roman, Iberian, Moorish...), is a real gold mine for travelers. Cordoba, or Córdoba , is one of the main cities, but also one of the most beautiful, of this region of the South of Spain, and it perfectly attests to the different phases of this rich history through the many vestiges it houses. It is the most influential city of the Al-Andalus era and this heritage is felt in each of its alleys: visiting Cordoba is visiting Andalusia!
You want to travel economically while enjoying the maximum of this Andalusian jewel? Here's what to do in Cordoba without spending any money!
1. The Cathedral Mosque of Cordoba

Photo credit: Shutterstock / Emperorcosar
The Cathedral Mosque of Cordoba, also known as Mezquita de Córdoba or Catedral de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción , alone represents the entire historical and cultural complexity of the city.
In ancient times, Cordoba was the capital of the Roman province of Bétique, which then covers southern Spain. A temple is erected there, the temple of Janus. But in 572 of our era, the city is taken by the Wisigoths and the temple of Janus becomes a Catholic Basilica. Later, it was transformed into a sumptuous mosque during the Muslim conquest of Spain. It was only in 1236 that Cordoue was conquered by the Castillans, who made it a new church, then a cathedral!
The cathedral is as encrusted in the mosque, and if today it is a place of Catholic worship, there is still a political tension as to its status.
If the monument offers free visits, you can opt for guided tours that will teach you a little more about the history of this local symbol.
Open to the public for free
- Monday to Saturdayfrom 8.30 a.m. to 9.30 a.m.
2. The Roman bridge of Cordoba

Photo credit: Shutterstock / De agsaz
It's hard to miss this imposing monument when you start visiting Cordoba. Built in the first century before our era by the Romans, the Puente Viejo undergoes numerous renovations, especially during Muslim domination, then during the Reconquista . The bridge is pedestrian: you can cross the Guadalquivir river in the footsteps of 20 centuries of history, taking advantage of a beautiful view of the Arab mills. Of course, the bridge crossing is free!
On the other side of the Roman bridge, on the north shore, admire the gate of the Cordoba bridge. It is built in the Renaissance on the vestiges of Roman gates and Moorish that were then the only access to the city.
3. The Alcázar of Christian Kings of Cordoba

Photo credit: Shutterstock / De Lukasz Janyst
L’ Alcázar is one of the most emblematic sites in Cordoba. It is also one of the main witnesses of Mujahedin architecture, an art with Islamic influences that develops after the Reconquista .
This medieval military palace was built in the 14th century to welcome the courtyard of the Catholic Kings on the ruins of a Moorish fortress. He then became the headquarters of the Inquisition to finally receive a civil prison, then a military prison. Today, visitors can browse its mazes: gardens, walls, mosaics, Arab baths... But also admire a beautiful view of Cordoba!
Open to the public for free
- Thursdaysfrom 12 p.m. to 2 p.m.
4. The royal stables of Cordoba

Photo credit: Shutterstock / De Artur Bogacki
Built on the Alcázar field during the Renaissance, Royal stables share with the palace a strong military character. In 1570 King Phillipe II commanded the Marquis Diego López de Haro y Sotomayor to create stables and gather the best stallions and the best juments of the region in order to create a race of Spanish pure-sangs: the current race of Andalusian horses!
The day, you can visit the royal stables free of charge and admire the architecture of the site, as well as an exhibition of carriages and carriages. In the evening, an equestrian show is given, combining the technical prowess of the riders with the grace of the flamenco dancers. However, you will have to pay €15 to attend.
Open to the public for free
- Every day: day
5. La plaza de las Tendillas

Photo credit: Shutterstock / De marcin jucha
What to do in Cordoue for free? When the sun darts its rays on the city, go to the plaza de las Tendillas ! Situated in the heart of Cordoba , this vast central square is a real meeting place for the Cordobans and tourists. Here you can stroll by enjoying the light and festive atmosphere that reigns there: the children who play in the fountains, the terraces, the flowers... An equestrian statue of Gonzalo de Córdoba, " El Gran Capitán ", dominates the square. An ideal place to relax.
6. Museums of Cordoba

Photo credit: Shutterstock / De Juan Aunion
Visiting Cordoba is above all the opportunity to enjoy its cultural and historical wealth. To do this, you can dedicate a part of your stay to museums in the city. All European citizens have free access to the following museums:
- Fine Arts Museum : located on the place du Potro, it exposes Spanish works of art dating from the 14th to the 17th century;
- Museum of Archaeology : the Musée d’archéologie de Cordoue sweeps the Spanish history of prehistory in the Middle Ages, with a particular emphasis on Muslim culture;
- Diocesan Museum (Museo diocesano) : a large collection of works of art from the Catholic Church of Cordoba, located on the second floor of the Palacio Episcopal ;
- Museum Arte sobre piel : small museum located near the mosque-cathedrale, which transports you in the heart of the califat of Cordoba in the twentieth century.
7. La Judería

Photo credit: Shutterstock / De Stefano_Valeri
The Judería is the Jewish quarter of Cordoba. Between the 10th and 15th centuries, it houses an important Jewish community, but also intellectual. Today, visitors can admire its very pretty alleys of white houses offering smoky views on their flowery patios. A special mention to the alley of Flowers ( calleja de las flores ), which beautifully bears his name.
At La Judería, you can visit La Judería for free Synagogue of Cordoba unique in Andalusia. Also stop at the Almodóvar door, along the walls of Cordoba. Nearby, a statue pays tribute to Seneque, famous playwright and philosopher of the Stoic School, originally from Corduba, the ancient Cordoba.
8. La Casa Arabe

Photo credit: Instagram – the_banda_morisca
What to do in Cordoba to immerse himself even more of his Arab influences? Casa Arabe is a nice detour, certainly fast, to do during your stay. Close to the Mezquita , this building in the Moorish style is in fact composed of five houses and has two very pretty inner courtyards. The aim of the eponymous association is to create a bridge between the Spanish world and the Arab world and it is in this context that you can see free exhibitions: photography, comics, sculptures, paintings... Either so many small windows on the Arab world.
9. The Roman temple

Photo credit: Wikipedia – Codex
Although you cannot enter the site, go to the site Roman temple of the city: because visiting Cordoba is also visiting Corduba, a powerful capital of Bétique in Roman Hispania! Built in the first century of our era, this imposing marble building is composed of 12 columns with a remarkable height. He was then devoted to imperial worship. Are you curious?
Visit the archaeology museum to discover the pieces found on the site during the excavations (we have seen it above, the museum is free). Other remains are displayed on the Doblas square. You now know that to do in Cordoba to explore all facets of the city!
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