Are you looking to discover the traditional summer festivals typical of Midi de la France? No problem, find out the 7 best ferias in France!
A feria is traditionally a taurine festival, which can be found in Spain, Portugal or Latin America. We can also enjoy it in France, especially in the Midi. We're here to celebrate at the sound of the bandas, small orchestras playing music. There you can taste tapas and alcohol (with moderation!) in the bodegas, these bistros installed at every corner of the street.
It is possible to admire the courage of the participants during the cowards of bulls, bullfights or land races or camarguaises. Anyway, there's something for every taste! Nimes, Béziers, Bayonne, Mont-de-Marsan, Arles... If you are in the south of France during the summer, there is no doubt that an feria takes place not far from you. Why not give you the opportunity to participate in these wonderful festive gatherings?
Difficult to make your choice among the countless votive festivals, taurine ferias or traditional French agricultural festivals? Here is a selection of the best ferias in France, selected by Wanderlix!
1. Mont-de-Marsan

Photo credit: Facebook – Fêtes de la Madeleine
She's pretty nice, Mont-de-Marsan feria! Considered as one of the most family, she also bears the name of "the feasts of the Madeleine". She owes this name to Sainte Marie-Madeleine, the patron saint of the Landes city. Organised in July, there are tapas and aperitifs between two corridas. These are organized in the arenas of the city for the greatest happiness of tauromachi lovers. The town of Mont-de-Marsan, of modest size, can accommodate up to 500,000 people per year during its feria.
Far from the delineated image of the big ferias, it is good to come with a family. Animations are planned for small and large, and playful competitions are organized daily. If you are passing through the region, go to discover one of the best ferias in France!
2. Parentis-en-Born

Photo credit: Tourism Landes
Close to Biscarosse, Parentis-en-Born is a pretty small town in the Landes. Its summer festival, the feria of Sen Bertomiu, is one of the best ferias in France. Usually, this family and popular holiday is renowned for its festive and joyful side. We're here to watch spectacular Landes races, corridas and tank parades! Gourmets will choose local specialties, offered at every corner of the street. The hardest ones will try to escape the cows during the encierro, the others just admiring them.
The bandas beat the festivities and ensure a warm atmosphere to this feria that has become a must. Participants, dressed in red and white colours, sometimes come very far to enjoy this unique holiday. Accessible and recognized to be one of the most afflicted, you are recommended to go to the family. Many parents take advantage of the trip to make their children discover the spirit of ferias! Will you join them?
3. Dax

Photo credit: Facebook- Dax, the FERIA!
The reputation of Dax’s feria precedes it: one of France’s most lively ones! Dax is a pretty spa town located in the Landes department, which has many ferias. Dax’s festivals take place during the month of August in the arenas and downtown. Corridas, bull races, concerts, shows and bandas shows await you day and night. And this, for five days when sleep may be missed! Dax feria is one of the largest and best ferias in France. It is not necessarily intended only for a family audience but also for young people who want to party. And there are many, the festivities, between 500,000 and 800,000 a year.
Particularly well organized, the Dax holidays offer buses, shuttles, campings and city services. From what comfortably feast, to the end of the night and without taking his head.
4. Bayonne

Photo credit: Shutterstock / Delpixel
It is very simple: you are told about the greatest feria in the Hexagon. For four days, almost a million and a half people come to enjoy Bayonne’s feria! From there to say that this is one of the best ferias in France, there is only one step. It will be up to you to cross it, by going to the place at the end of July. Every year, for five days, innumerable festayres -festals - wander in the bayonnaise alleys. For the occasion, it is to King Léon, the mascot of ferias, to receive the keys of the city.
The festival-goers joyfully challenge between the typical attractions and tapas bars. They come to laugh, drink and dance at the sound of bandas in a totally unique atmosphere. Imagine yourself in the middle of a human tide with white and red colors: that’s Bayonne’s feria! To relax, there are no problems: many rest spaces are scattered in the city. And no doubt they will be frankly welcome as the party beats its full during this unmeasured feria.
5. Arles

Photo credit: Facebook – Féria d’Arles
The Arlesians appreciate the ferias they decided to organize two each year. In the commune of Bouches-du-Rhône (the largest in France) it was necessary to settle the festival-goers. The first feria takes place at Easter, it is a great gathering dedicated to tauromachie. We come in front of the bulls in the Roman amphitheatre, transformed into an arena for the occasion. The latter, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, welcomes two corridas a day. Once out, sheltervado, encierro and parades of fanfares of all kinds await the curious. Not to mention the Camarguas races, in this city considered the capital of the Camargue.
The second major event, the feria of rice, takes place in mid-September. In this land where rice culture is an institution, this feast is very important. Again, the aficionados come to discover the unique cultural heritage of this city of southern France. There are corridas, horse races, as well as amazing events combining concerts and fashion shows. Will you be tempted by this very unusual experience?
6. Nimes

Photo credit: Facebook – Nimes in Faria
Nîmes is the prefecture of the Gard, a Roman city historically attached to its customs and traditions. As in Arles, only a few dozen kilometres away, two ferias are organized each year. The first lasts six days and takes place at Pentecost; the second takes place in September and lasts three days. The city has this in particular that it organizes its ferias as a carnival making the tour of the boulevards of the commune.
On the menu: concerts, joutes on the channel, Mass in Provencal, bandidos, parades and corridas. But also a good mood, paellas and aperitifs around the countless bodegas punctuating the course of the festivalgoers!
The Feria des Vendanges is traditionally considered to be more family-friendly. Moreover, on Wednesday (open day) is nicknamed “Child feria”. Attractions are especially dedicated to smaller ones. The next day, the Pegoulade, a huge parade of tanks and horsemen, opens the official feast. And this, for the greatest pleasure of amateurs who have come many enjoy one of the best ferias in France.
7. Beziers

Photo credit: Facebook – Feria de Béziers
The Beziers feria takes place every year in mid-August. In this purely southern territory, useless to say that it is expected from a firm foot by the amateurs. Nearly one million of them have been rushing since 1968 in the capital of Biterrois. Here again, bodegas and bandas punctuate the aficionados walks that no longer know where to give head! La feria de Béziers attracts many Catalans, deprived of corridas since their ban in Catalonia.
If she is one of the best ferias in France it is also because she can skillfully mix genres. Whether you’re a fan of camarguaises, tauromachie, cultural heritage, family trip... or aero, whatever. You will be welcome in one of the most charming and authentic traditional festivals.
Easily accessible, one-night heroes, toreros or others, will share their passion around a glass. And to recover from his emotions what better than a succulent tapas plate? The extraordinary culinary heritage of the South of France is waiting for you to discover its wonders!
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