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10 sustainable tourism labels to prefer to travel differently

What are the labels of sustainable tourism to be preferred to travel differently and confidently? They tell you everything!

While it is sometimes difficult to find it in all sub-categories of green and responsible tourism, distinguishing all labels from sustainable tourism is even more. Wanderlix then takes you into the certification jungle and offers a detailed list of 10 sustainable tourism labels to prefer to travel differently. To make it easier to choose your activities, accommodations, transport and even destinations for your next eco-friendly holiday.

Each of these eco-labels will allow you to identify addresses that meet specific criteria and requirements in terms of sustainable development. Everyone deserves to be visible and rewarded for their commitments, responsible practices and their low impact on biodiversity.

1. Blue Flag

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Photo credit: Blue Flag

  • ⛱ in Area of action : beaches, lakes, rivers, ports in town
  • 🌍 Geographical area : France

The Blue Flag label is a promise of clean water and beaches of exemplary environmental quality. Pavillon Bleu aquatic areas are integrated into a sustainable tourism development policy. If the precious print is mainly concerned with the beaches of the French literals, it can also group lakes, rivers and urban ports.

Each natural area must meet key criteria: cleanliness, maintenance, waste collection and treatment, secure and accessible urban development, incentives for soft mobility, access to people with reduced mobility, communication campaigns and environmental action programmes.

2. ATR

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Photo credit: Acting for Responsible Tourism

  • 🌿 Area of action : tour operators certified responsible tourism
  • 🗺 in Geographical area : worldwide

The Association of Thematic Tour Operators (ATT) brings together the tour operators engaged in sustainable tourism, promoting strong values based on respect, solidarity and excellence. Its label, ATR, is based on specific criteria, respect for an ethical charter in 16 points and its distribution to customers.

The recipients of the label must promote local recruitment, field activities for native communities and strengthen the quality of relations between local providers. They must also conduct a strict environmental management policy at the level of waste, transportation and materials in their infrastructure. Tour operators should also monitor the level of customer satisfaction with their commitments to sustainable development.

3. Fair tourism

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Photo credit: Association for Fair and Solidarity Tourism

  • 🧳 Area of action : travel operators and tourist reception structures
  • 🌍 Geographical area : in France and abroad

The Association for Equitable and Solidaire Tourism (ATES) operates all over the world and has launched its own label, the fair tourism label. It rewards engaged tourist operators who respect the Charter of Fair and Solidary Tourism, but not only.

Indeed, “the label also values the overall approach of an organization through the evaluation of its modes of governance and production. This comprehensive process attests to the respect for fair trade principles applied to tourism."

The Equitable Tourism label carried by the ASES dates back to 2014, and was extended in 2020 to tourist facilities in France (accommodations, restaurants, cultural and leisure sites, local tourism organizations, etc.). The purpose of the label is therefore to enhance these actors concerned with their environmental actions, local economic anchorage and the discovery of the territory in a playful and ecological manner.

4. Gîte Panda

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Photo credit: Gîtes de France

  • 🗝 in Area of action : cottages and bed and breakfast
  • 🌍 Geographical area : France

Gîte Panda was born of a strong observation: French regional and national natural parks are rich territories whose balance is threatened. But, in parallel, more and more tourists are attracted to sustainable and responsible tourism within these fragile natural spaces. We had to offer authentic accommodation solutions, inserted in the middle of nature and pedagogical for these travellers.

Les Gîtes Panda all contribute to the development of agricultural activities that combine environmental conservation and maintain economic benefits. B & Bs (rurals, bed and breakfasts) are committed to discovering the richness and diversity of local biodiversity. They are found in the most beautiful landscapes of the French countryside, close to the hiking trails and invite to green activities: hiking, wildlife and flora observation, interpretive trails. This label is awarded by the famous WWF, the world's first natural protection organization.

5. The Green Key

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Photo credit: La Clef Verte

  • 🏕 in Area of action Accommodation
  • 🌍 Geographical area : France

La Clef Verte is the first sustainable tourism label to reward hotels, campsites, youth hostels and other holiday accommodations proving their good practices in terms of sustainable development. The criteria include intelligent waste management, water and energy consumption control, purchasing regulation (food, maintenance products) and ecotourism awareness.

The Clef Verte label supports the movement of these increasingly worrying structures to take the turn of the ecological transition. The loyalty rates of the adherents are constantly evolving and the list of new candidates is expanding.

Recently, the Clef Verte label and the National Group of Independents of Hospitality and Restoration (GNI) have joined forces to encourage and support hotel and restaurant professionals in the implementation of sustainable actions.

6. Bio Hotels

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Photo credit: Bio Hotels

  • 🏨 Area of action : hotels
  • 🌍 Geographical area : France, Germany, Austria, Italy, Ireland, Switzerland

Bio Hotels certified establishments offer a healthy diet from fair and 100% organic trade to their customers. It is the only European label of sustainable tourism to focus on quality and food management.

The stays are developed in collaboration with the organic sector of each country. The quantity of biological products available varies from country to country, depending on the quantity of organic agricultural surface in the territory. Bio Hotels is increasingly expanding its criteria by also focusing on the water and energy consumption of hotels and their waste recycling system.

7. European Ecolabel

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Photo credit: Agency for the Ecological Transition

  • 🏡 Area of action Accommodation
  • 🌍 Geographical area : Europe

The European Ecolabel deserves! It is one of the most demanding sustainable tourism labels. It is intended for tourist accommodation and includes a multitude of criteria. The establishments are thoroughly inspected: from the basement to the attic, to the hiring and customer reception policy and the quality of the suppliers.

In addition, the main criteria relate to environmental awareness and preservation: just electricity, water, food (preferably local) and intelligent waste management. The European ecolabel guarantees excellence on the entire chain: from manufacturing to transport.

Adds the imperative of a minimum impact on human health. In addition, the label is sold every two years. It is therefore a very reliable certification.

8. Green Globe

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Photo credit: Green Globe

  • Interpretation Area of action : all the actors in the world of travel
  • 🗺 in Geographical area countries around the world

What distinguishes the Green Globe sustainable tourism label is its global certification. Its mission is to improve performance in terms of sustainable development and ethical decisions among all tourism actors. Much more than evaluating stakeholders, Green Globe helps them advance. Economy, environment, social, cultural heritage, management: all the strata of responsible tourism are taken into account.

The ecolabel repository evolves and reinforces regularly. Its criteria are suitable for each entity: accommodation, restaurant, leisure and amusement park, tourist service, transporter, conference center or lounge, wellness center, tourist office and much more.

In fact, more than 330 indicators count. And with its annual audit, Green Globe is one of the most demanding, transparent, recognized and valued labels it exists.

9. Values Regional Natural Park

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Photo credit: Regional National Park Values

  • 🏞 in Area of action National parks
  • 🌍 Geographical area : France

Values Regional Natural Park is for tourism professionals, including hosts, restaurateurs, guides, activities in the middle of nature, local artisans or producers located in national parks. This ecolabel is distinguished by its strong territorial anchorage.

It is awarded to companies that not only meet specific sustainable criteria, but are also very active and involved in their territory. They must know and promote local lifestyle, the reasoned use of resources within the park, but also volunteer in certain maintenance and/or valuation activities.

The labellized actors benefit from the support of a network of members who share the same values and are ready to exchange their know-how. On the customer side, travellers are guaranteed to go through tourism professionals attached to their territory, wishing to create a link and value sustainable development.

10. Label Biosphere

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Photo credit: Biosphere Tourism

  • Interpretation Area of action : all the actors in the world of travel
  • . Geographical area : Spain, Mexico and the United States

The Biosphere label is based on the different criteria listed by the Institut du Tourisme Responsable and supported by Unesco. It encourages actions and programmes committed to sustainable development and the preservation of natural and cultural heritage.

This label rewards perennial and responsible initiatives in the global tourism industry and, to do so, is based on 17 criteria of excellence. All tourist structures are concerned: accommodations to tour operators, transport and destinations in themselves.

Each recipient must adopt responsible and green governance based on the preservation and enhancement of cultural heritage, local economy, ecosystems, the use of alternative energy, and customer satisfaction. The country ' s overall ecological policy also counts.

Olivia Smith

Olivia Smith

I'm Olivia Smith, an explorer enchanted by the world's diversity. Life's journey is my greatest passion, filled with awe-inspiring moments, from chasing sunsets on remote beaches to immersing myself in vibrant cultures. Each destination is a chapter in my story, and I'm here to share those stories with you. Through my words, I aspire to ignite your wanderlust, providing insights, tips, and the sheer magic of exploration. Let's embark on this thrilling adventure together, uncovering the world's hidden gems and crafting cherished memories along the way.

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