Le Moretti is a work by French artist Raymond Moretti
In the popular quarter The Defence to Paris , you will find some of the most remarkable architectural works of modern art. In a space of more than 160 hectares, there are more than 60 statues, sculptures and monuments designed by artists such as Louis-Ernest Barrias and Alexander Calder. And there is a monument that stands like a giant stick of candy: the tower with bright colors called Moretti road or simply " The Moretti ".
It is actually a 32-metre high aeration chimney, decorated with coloured fiberglass tubes. The Moretti is composed of 672 tubes fiberglass with a diameter of 2 to 30 cm, painted in 19 different colors. These tubes are 22 km long and weigh 27.5 tons. Coloured tubes cover the entire exterior surface of the chimney. At night, the fireplace is illuminated by projectors, allowing it to be reflected on the facades and windows of the surrounding buildings.
The work is located in La Défense 2, between the Neuilly Defense and Manhattan Square buildings. The structure was completed in 1990 and opened in 1995.
Source: Wikipedia , Amusing Planet
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