We are always curious to know what we think of us! What do French neighbors say?
Today we offer you to go beyond our borders to better understand the opinion that French Europeans have. The Shopalike website has for this published an interactive map telling us about the image of French people across Europe. This document has been prepared by analyzing Google searches of Internet users from different countries about us. Here’s what it looks like.
The dirty character of French
This is what we hold first of all of this investigation. European Internet users wonder why the inhabitants of the Hexagon are so arrogant, badly elevated, rude, bad players. It seems that our reputation abroad is no longer to be done!
Physics, Health and Food Behaviour
If European cybernauts do not seem frankly seduced by the character of French, they are more by their appearance. So many countries would like to pierce our secret to keep the line. Maybe the snails? Russians and Norwegians would like to know why we're doing it. Hygiene is another story. French are still widely perceived as people who do not know the way to the bathroom.
The cancres of foreign languages
The stereotype of French that speaks only its mother tongue has hard life. Several countries would like to know why we speak so bad English . Our population would even be totally hostile to the English people. This is in any case what Italian and Russian Internet users seem to believe. Another parameter that lets us think that these clichés have to do with the past of France and its History.
Incongruous questions
While Greece wonders why the French want to destroy the Eiffel Tower , the Germans worry about our yellow and white registration plates as well as knowing the origin of our big nose. As for the Turkish, it is our invention of the perfume that questions them. Our lack of hygiene must be there for something!
Let French people be reassured, however, have some good points, especially regarding the education of children. The Polish and Bosnian would like to understand how we can raise them so well. According to some Slovaks, French children would not even suffer from hyperactivity. In Finland we wonder what miracle the little Gauls eat of everything.
A fun analysis that proves that we will still need a number of years to change the image of French. Unless European Internet users say they are true?
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