Post image the track game that makes you discover France and its regions

The Cists are a track game that consists of small treasure hunts that allow you to discover unknown corners near you!

“I discovered here 10 years now a track game that has become a passion for me. It is a mixture of treasure hunt and track game, in the form of more or less difficult puzzles, to be done with family or friends. It is very playful, free and open to everyone. This is called the Clists . »

One ciste is a watertight box containing some non-value objects (toys, gadgets), deliberately hidden somewhere by a “Cachor”, and, through an enigma, the “Stainers” (or “Cistors” in the language of the track game) will look for this box. There is nothing to gain, except the pleasure of discovery.

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“Scisors” during a group day

To play, just sign up for free on using a pseudo, and then register on the cists of your choice using the map of the departments, in order to have access to the puzzles.

To date we have more 115 000 clashes in the world and a few 135,000 cisitors registered on this track game site.

After the resolution of the riddles that appeal, at once, to the logic , memory (historical, cultural, geographic, mathematical, etc...), the main attraction of the game is discovery of known or unknown places of the public, beautiful or unusual, natural landscapes, small historical heritages or vestiges.

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The Château de Montferrand in the Hérault is not highlighted in the tourist guides, but thanks to the cists, it is possible to discover it on a walk

Conversely, some puzzles will lead you to much more famous places... and despite that, you will have the opportunity to see things that few people know. For example, the history of Parménion, created by a gardois cisitor, illustrates through a series of 15 puzzles the path of the Roman aqueduct that fed the city of Nîmes with water, and whose main monument is the main monument Pont du Gard . The story associated with the discovery of the remains of the aqueduct is a real historical reconstruction nature.

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The Pont du Gard is in fact only the masterpiece of an aqueduct of more than 50 km in length – Fotopedia – Mirari Erdoiza

It is also a way to visit a city, a region, a country, because there are cists everywhere in the world, mainly in France and Europe.

For neophytes, however, I advise you to start with easy puzzles, on places you know, because sometimes you can face some minor issues of orientation on the ground. This is what also makes this track game exciting, unpredictable and Ludique !

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A ciste : a box in which objects are to be exchanged to authenticate your finding when registering on the site

Turn around, and according to his wishes, the Cisteur becomes both finder and cacheur . Thus, after having had the pleasure of tearing riddles and having made walks and visited nice corners, you can in turn make discover to others your city or region.

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A small heritage on the track of the cists

There is also one forum on which the scisors find themselves to dialogue between them, exchange their pipes, tell anecdotes about the cists, etc...

Through it, cisitors can also offer or organize days or weekend meetings, with visits, picnics, walks "cistics", etc... and thus make new acquaintances or meet with friends sharing the same passion.

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Doing cists is combining sport, outdoor activities, reflection and meeting. In addition, it’s free

I participated in meetings that gathered more than 50 people, sometimes from 10 different departments. Closer to my home, we are a handful of assiduous and fierce cisitors, with which I share very good moments during balls fired on a day, usually well filled.

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Meeting in the Vercors: in general, the snow does not stop those enthusiasts of “spring”

As far as I’m concerned, I’m resentful, and I’m also “catacious” when the places are of particular interest and are conducive to hiding and virgins of cists. I love to discover places that I liked. And writing an enigma is often as fun as decoding it.

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Caves or cavities are among the most amazing caches of the track game

I'm also a great traveler. Every time I leave on holiday, in France or abroad, or I have to move for various reasons, I check on the site or ask other cisitors to know if there are not a few ciste riddles to find near the places where I will pass. It's stronger than me!

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Even in the vicinity of the world’s largest “ Monuments” there is a ciste, like the one I found on my trip to Australia, here at Uluru

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Here at the Uyuni Salar

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In Krakow, I was able to discover a totally unknown site of tourists, full of history, and where the film "The Schindler List" has been shot

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Cape Verde

The cists allowed me to discover beautiful sites, sometimes even of which I did not know the existence. Some pills don’t miss ingenuity to create truly stunning scenarios on the "spots", creating particularly tasty atmospheres. This mysterious place in the South of the Aveyron, where you really believe in tropical vegetation, far from civilization:

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For the anecdote, I post this article after spending my Sunday at “cister”. 😉

If you are interested in this activity, do not hesitate to register on the site and register for your first riddle to go on the track of the cists!

Amelia Hall

Amelia Hall

I'm Amelia Hall, a curious soul on a perpetual quest for adventure. Life's journey is my muse, from traversing remote trails to immersing myself in local cultures. Each new destination unveils a unique story, and I'm here to narrate those tales for you. My aim is to awaken your wanderlust, sharing insights, tips, and the magic of exploration. Together, let's embark on this captivating odyssey, discovering the world's hidden gems and forging unforgettable memories.

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