Discover 10 of the most beautiful abandoned places in the world!
In the world, there are unknown places and abandoned who nevertheless deserve to be known and visited for their charm and their mystery . Even places in decay or wreck have their form of beauty that monuments such as the Eiffel Tower or the Statue of Liberty do not have.
In this list I could have added the Temples of Angkor or Machu Picchu but they're too famous... Here are 10 places to visit that are not in the travel guides!
10 – Pripyat, Ukraine
This name may not tell you immediately, but it is in this Ukrainian city that the nuclear catastrophe of Chernobyl . Today, the radiation threat is very low, which allows for a guided tour. A funny tourist, although he may interest the curious.
9 – Craco, Italy
Left to abandonment in 1963 due to the instability of buildings, the collapse of some houses, and quite recurring earthquakes, the medieval village of Craco , in southern Italy, is now a tourist place, and was the place of shooting scenes of The Passion of Christ and Quantum of Solace .
8 – Kolmanskop, Namibia
A true ghost town in the desert of Namib, Kolmanskop was once built for the exploitation of diamonds in the region. It is now a local tourist attraction.
7 - Wonderland amusement park, China
Initially planned to be the largest amusement park in Asia, Wonderland, close to Beijing, was eventually built only half, due to a financial lack.
Flickr – JoeInSouthernCA
6 – Defected factory, Belgium
Near Charleroi, the IM disaffected plant has a very impressive cooling tower, which will delight photography enthusiasts.
Flickr – Lennart Tange
5 – Hotel del Salto, Colombia
A Salto de Tequendama , close to Bogotá, is a hotel perched at the top of a cliff, where you have a view of a spectacular waterfall.
4 - Christ of the Abyss, Italy
Under the waters of San Fruttuoso, a christ similar to that of the Corcovado was abandoned, and divers take advantage of the bay and the spot to make a small underwater trip.
3 - The SS Ayrfield, Australia
This wreck located in the Homebush Bay has a long history. Built in 1911 in the United Kingdom, he ended up in the vicinity of Sydney.
Flikr – Brentbat
2 - Kalavantin DurgIndia
Close to Prabalgad , the rocky piton of Kalavantin is also a fort.
1 - BouzloudjaBulgaria
This is the former Congress Hall of the Bulgarian Communist Party.
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