The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, an amusement park set in the heart of Universal Studios in Hollywood, will open on April 7, 2016.
While J.K. Rowling announced the release of an eighth book, Harry Potter and the cursed child , on July 31, the fans of the legendary young wizard will be delighted to discover a park of attractions dedicated to the world of Poudlard. Aimed in Universal studios in Hollywood , the park will open on April 7, 2016.
In order to make fans wait, the site Entertainment Weekly unveiled 30 exclusive photos, which suggest the appearance of the park more true than nature. Baptized The Wizarding World of Harry Potter ("Harry Potter's spelled world"), the third park dedicated to Harry Potter after those in Orlando and Tokyo, will immerse visitors in a magical atmosphere to breathe. With many attractions, like the Russian mountains Flight Of The Hippogriff (The flight of the hippogriffe) or the 3D attraction of the "Prohibited Voyage", saga fans should be combined.
Photo credit: EW
The Pudlard school reconstructed to the identical
Another novelty, visitors will be able, in the time of their visit, to take place for students of Poudlard in the school rebuilt to the identical. Between classrooms and mythical Poudlard Express , the wonderful world of J.K. Rowling is reproduced in every detail. For proof, it will be possible to taste a Bierreaubeurre, walk in Pré-au-Lard, or get your first magic wand.
Photo credit: EW
For the most impatient, tickets are already available in preorder on the website of Universal Studios . For those who will not have the chance to discover this park, it is also possible to go to London to visit Warner Bros studios .
Photo credit: EW
Also: Back to the famous "Harry Potter" exhibition in Paris
Main photo credit: EW
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